5 tips for a healthy and active lifestyle!

Mental health and physical health are two separate aspects, but equally important for the psycho-physical well-being of a person.

Being able to enjoy good physical health depends on two main factors: proper nutrition and regular physical activity. Instead, to feel good from a mental point of view, it is necessary to work on a good harmony between the needs of the body, mind and emotions. In this way it is possible to clearly identify what we need to feel complete and satisfied.

This does not mean, however, that physical and mental well-being always travel on two parallel planes. On the contrary, there are points of contact and similarities. Following a healthy and balanced diet, for example, is a good habit that is good for the health of our body and, at the same time, makes us feel safer and more comfortable. Effects that certainly make our mind more serene!

5 Tips for Healthy & Happy Life

1- Drink lots of water

First, remember that your body and mind cannot function well if they are not properly hydrated. Constantly keeping your body hydrated helps you think, work and sleep better.

Drinking a lot of water can be difficult for people with incontinence - especially in the colder months and when we don't have a toilet nearby. It is advisable to start with a few liquids and, a little at a time, it will become a daily pleasure. Guaranteed!

2- Exercise

Waking up early in the morning and catapulting to the gym is not for everyone. And there are probably very few people who enjoy doing it! Keeping in mind, however, that doing 30-60 minutes a day of physical activity - even light - can make a difference, everything becomes easier. A simple walk outdoors, for example, helps you breathe better, lowers blood sugar levels, relieves tension and reduces stress. And remember: even healthy sex is an effective way to engage in healthy physical activity. Science says it!

3- Eat well

By balanced diet we mean a correct way of eating both from a quantitative and qualitative point of view. Furthermore, to be balanced, the diet must be varied and well balanced, so the body can take in all the nutrients it needs.

Before eating, tune into your body and try to figure out how much and what food it wants. Sometimes we eat fat and sugar because we need it, other times just because we try to cure some personal dissatisfaction with food.

4- Put the phone down

Spending too much time in front of a phone or computer screen is not good for anyone. Unfortunately, many of us are forced to spend about eight hours a day in front of a screen for work reasons. When we don't have work commitments, therefore, remember that there are many other activities you can do, such as reading a book, playing with your children, playing sports or making a dessert. Your health and your eyes will thank you!

5- Take some time for yourself

Last but not least, Try to sleep at least seven to eight hours every night, go to the hairdresser, spend time with your friends, play with your dog, go shopping, listen to good music - anything you like can help you get rid of stress and Bad thoughts.

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