Choose a Healthy Lifestyle and Live Better

"Governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can make it easier for people to make healthy lifestyle choices. Regulations, taxes, trade restrictions and well-designed environments encourage citizens to be physically active, eat healthy, quit smoking or never start and limit alcohol consumption"

At the international, national and local levels, there are governments and non-governmental organizations whose interest and responsibility is to promote and enable changes to a healthy lifestyle. These include the World Health Organization, the European Union, national and local governments, health authorities, cardiac foundations, consumer associations and patient organizations.

Schools should create an active and healthy environment for students, educating them and encouraging them to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Urban planners can make it easier for people to walk or cycle to school or work.


Limiting the fat, sugar and salt content of processed foods is an effective way to improve nutrition, sometimes without even realizing it. Some countries have banned trans fats in food and many others are working with the food industry to lower salt and sugar levels. Prices also influence behavior, and taxing unhealthy foods (such as a tax on fat or sugar) or subsidizing healthy options can induce changes in eating habits. 

Physical activity

The environment around us can encourage physical activity. Better visibility of the stairs stimulates people to use them instead of the elevator. Promoting walking or cycling even for short distances helps to integrate physical activity into a daily routine. From early childhood it is important to become aware of the importance of physical activity for health. Workplaces can provide fitness centers, desks that allow employees to work standing up or chairs for exercise.


All types of smoking and secondhand smoke increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Legislation is a powerful tool for preventing and reducing tobacco use. Measures include anti-smoking laws, high taxes, limited advertising and the use of simple and generic packaging. Mass media campaigns have raised public awareness of the harmful effects of smoking. It is especially important to prevent young people and adolescents from starting to smoke.

Alcohol abuse

Excessive alcohol consumption increases cardiovascular risk. The legislation is effective in preventing the harmful use of alcohol through several regulations: for example, the minimum age to buy or receive alcoholic beverages, drink driving laws, taxes and a ban on advertising, promotion and sponsorship of events. Alcohol regulations in the workplace and in schools are also useful.

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