7 Family doctor's recommendations for health in autumn

The autumn months, especially starting in October, are the time when nature begins to go to rest. People often feel despair, sleepiness and even depression in autumn. With the passing of summer, a positive mood often disappears and energy runs out, and the body may begin to remind of old ailments and health problems.

Autumn is a period that gives us time to prepare for winter by taking care of ourselves and strengthening our body and spirit before the coming period of cold and darkness. Remember, it doesn't take much to improve your health: proper nutrition, exercise and a good mood! Autumn is also a time of harvest and abundance of vitamins, which should be used to the maximum

LJMC doctors have prepared seven simple tips that everyone can use to prepare the body for winter, to be healthy and active.

1 - D Vitamin

Take vitamin D. We get most of our vitamin D from the sun, so staying indoors, especially during the fall and winter seasons, will quickly deplete your vitamin D supply. Getting enough vitamin D in your body will improve your mood and immune system.

2 - Immune system

Help your immune system. Drink plenty of water regularly, wash your hands regularly and use disinfectants. Get vitamin C in your body by eating fruits and vegetables. Quit smoking!

3 - Nutrition

Eat seasonal foods. Beets, broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, cauliflower, pumpkins, zucchini and other autumn vegetables and fruits! They are autumn for a reason - they contain a lot of vitamins and trace elements that prepare our body for the autumn-winter period. Reduce your consumption of unhealthy food. Reduce or completely eliminate alcohol from your diet. Do not use or reduce the consumption of sugar and salt.

4 - Activities

Be active! It is easy to just sit in an office all day, but it is very important to move during the day. It doesn't have to be a visit to the gym or a 10km cross country. A 30-40 minute walk once a day is completely sufficient, which can be replaced by raking leaves or shoveling snow. Choose activities that bring you joy, listen to your favorite music during the activities. Don't give in to laziness and do it regularly.

5 - Clothing

Dress for the weather. It does not allow the body to overheat by dressing too warmly, or, on the contrary, to cool down by dressing too thinly. The biggest harm to the body is wet clothes or shoes. In autumn, there are changing weather conditions, when the temperature can approach zero in the morning, but rise to +15 degrees during the day. During this time, try to dress correctly - clothing should consist of several layers, which can be changed/undressed when the temperature changes, while maintaining a comfortable feeling for the body. It is very wrong to wear a t-shirt and a thick down jacket over it. Also, don't forget gloves and a hat. The human head gives off a lot of body heat.

6 - Sleep

Sleep is extremely important for human health and at least 6-7 hours should be reserved for it. Sleep deprivation causes fatigue, loss of concentration and sooner or later leads to health problems. Likewise, too much sleep will cause damage to health.

7 - Be good to yourself!

Long working hours and excessive work lead to stress and sleeplessness, which can easily lead to illness during flu season. Listen to your body and give it everything it needs! Get some sleep and plan your vacation. Reward yourself by completing all the points.

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