Eliminate puffiness under the eyes with some home methods

As the age increases, the tissues around the eyes, including the muscles behind the eyelid, lose their elasticity and show themselves in the form of puffiness or swelling. This happens more in women than in men and makes your face look tired, sleepy and your eyes look small. Most women use different creams and medicines to remove puffiness under the eyes, even they are ready to go under the knife to remove it, but there are simpler methods to remove puffiness under the eyes. In the following, we will consider some home remedies.

Eliminating puffiness under the eyes with tea bags

The most famous home remedy for removing puffiness under the eyes is using tea bags. Because both of them contain high caffeine, which is effective in removing puffiness under the eyes.

How to use tea bags to remove puffiness under the eyes

Soak two tea bags in warm water for 5 minutes and place the warm tea bags on your eyelids. Cover them with a soft cloth and leave for about half an hour. 

Eliminating puffiness under the eyes with the combination of vegetable oils

Lavender oil has a relaxing effect on the skin and nerves. Lemon oil helps reduce stress and also contains natural antioxidants. Chamomile oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties. The combination of these can make the skin under the eyes healthier and brighter and help to remove puffiness under the eyes.

How to use vegetable oils to remove puffiness under the eyes

Combine a drop of Stuccos oil, a drop of lemon oil, a drop of chamomile oil and a teaspoon of water and massage this mixture gently under your eyes before going to bed. Repeat this every night.

Removing puffiness under the eyes with coconut oil

Laurie acid and other components of coconut oil have anti-inflammatory properties. It also provides essential nutrients to the skin and keeps it moist. Regular use of coconut oil can minimize puffiness under the eyes.

How to use coconut oil to remove puffiness under the eyes

Massage coconut oil around your eyes for a few minutes with clean fingers and let it stay on the skin for a while. Do this every night before going to bed to see its miraculous effect.

Removing the puffiness under the eyes with a cold spoon

You must have heard that a cold compress helps relax blood vessels and reduce swelling. Therefore, using a cold spoon compress under the eyes can help reduce puffiness in this area.

How to use a cold spoon to remove puffiness under the eyes

Put the teaspoon in the refrigerator for half an hour and keep it under your eyes for about 15 to 20 minutes. 

Eliminating puffiness under the eyes with strawberry jam

Strawberry jam is not just for eating. Strawberries contain polysaccharides that have anti-inflammatory properties. Daily use of strawberries can help you get rid of puffiness under the eyes.

How to use strawberry jam to remove puffiness under the eyes

Apply the jam carefully under your eyes and let it stay on the skin for 10 to 12 minutes and then wash it with cool water. Repeat this once a day.

Removing puffiness under the eyes with cucumber

Cold cucumber is one of the best home remedies to get rid of puffy eyes. Cucumber has a cooling effect and reduces swelling. Placing cucumber under the eyes not only helps to treat eye puffiness, but also causes the blackness and wrinkles around the eyes to disappear.

How to use cucumber to remove puffiness under the eyes

Cut the cucumber and leave the slices in the refrigerator for 10 to 15 minutes, then take them out of the refrigerator and place the cold slices on your eyelids and leave 10 to 15 minutes.

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