What is the cause of puffiness under the eyes in the morning and how to treat it?

One of the times when people start buying the best eye cream is when they have puffiness under their eyes. This phenomenon, which is observed mostly in the morning and immediately after waking up, is not actually a special disease; But it can be a sign of danger or illness or being caught in a bad habit and incorrect lifestyle. Also, since it is directly related to the beauty of the face, many people think of fixing or treating it. In this article, we are going to introduce you to the cause of puffiness under the eyes and ways to treat it.

The cause of puffiness under the eyes in the morning

Before you want to use the best eye cream or any other product to treat puffiness under the eyes, it is better to know the cause of this condition. It may be possible to get rid of puffiness under the eyes without using any special medicine and just by leaving or modifying a habit in life. In the following, we will introduce you to the most important causes of puffiness under the eyes, especially in the morning.

1. Excessive salt consumption

One of the most common causes of puffiness under the eyes in the morning is excessive salt consumption. Consuming too much salt causes water to accumulate in the body. Retention of water and fluids under the lower eyelid in the morning causes puffiness and swelling. To treat this condition, it is recommended to change your diet and minimize salt consumption. It is also better to increase the consumption of water and liquids in addition to using the best eye cream. Drinking water helps to get rid of excess salt in the body.

2. alcohol consumption

Drinking alcohol is another cause of puffiness under the eyes in the morning. Alcohol, like salt, dehydrates the body and leads to fluid retention under the eyes. It also dilates the blood vessels and in this way leads to accumulation of fluids in the veins. To reduce this complication, experts recommend drinking a lot of water before going to bed and after waking up. Also, using the best eye cream with green tea extract helps to treat this condition.

3. allergy

Eye allergies and seasonal allergies are another cause of puffiness under the eyes in the morning. Experts believe that allergic reactions occur when the body's immune system overreacts to a foreign substance such as pollen or dust. In such cases, histamine is released, which causes blood vessels in the eye to dilate and swell, and this leads to fluid accumulation, as well as itching in the eyes and a runny nose. The best treatment option for such cases is the use of antiallergic drugs or antihistamines under the supervision of a doctor. If the initial use of the drug was not effective, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor and do an allergy test.

4. Excessive eye rubbing

Some people have a habit of rubbing their eyes for no reason during the day or while sleeping or waking up. The same thing causes the skin around the eyes to thin and damage it; Therefore, it can be said that rubbing the eyes can also be another cause of puffiness under the eyes in the morning. The best way to prevent this from happening is to stop this habit. In fact, you have to admit to yourself that this habit is damaging your beauty and health. Another way to treat this condition is to use a cooling mask, the best eye cream or a cold milk compress. Cold milk has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps soothe and relax the skin.

5. Collagen deficiency

Another cause of puffiness under the eyes in the morning is a genetic problem. Some people genetically do not have enough collagen or collagen production in their skin is difficult. In a general view, it should be said that all people have collagen around the eyes that holds the fat strips under the lower eyelid. As a result of genetic disorders or aging, collagen and elastin fibers around the eyes weaken. Weakness in collagen causes the fat pads under the fibers to protrude and leads to swelling under the eyes. The best way to treat this condition is to use non-invasive methods to stimulate collagen production.

6. Stress

Stress by increasing cortisol and changing salt balance in the body is another cause of puffiness under the eyes. Crying can also cause puffy eyes, even if it happened the night before. It is a fact that when you cry out of anger or sadness, the tears produced are saltier than other tears. Salt accumulation also damages the tissue around the eye and causes it to swell, as we said before.

The best way to treat this condition is to reduce stress and remove stressful factors from your surroundings. Experts believe that by doing energizing and relaxing activities such as walking, yoga, climbing, nature tourism or any activity that makes you feel good, you can largely prevent this condition from occurring. Besides all these, using the best eye cream containing cucumber extract helps to reduce the swelling around the eyes. Cucumber reduces the signs of fatigue, puffiness and dark circles around the eyes.

Final word

In this article, we introduced you to the causes of puffiness under the eyes in the morning. We recommend that you go to reputable stores to get the best eye cream and various eye masks to reduce or treat this condition.

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