Hand, Foot and Mouth diesease


General Description Of Death

Foot and mouth disease is an anthropozoonotic viral disease that affects the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, and the skin near the corners and between the fingers.

Agent - picornavirus, infects artiodactyl animals for agricultural purposes (goats, pigs, cows, bulls, sheep, horses). Sometimes, cats, dogs, camels, birds die. In animals affected by this disease, a rash can be seen on the mucous membranes of the nose, nasopharynx, on the lips, tongue, lips, mouth, around the horns, of the place as well. The average duration of the disease is about two weeks.

Transmission routes from animals to humans: consumption of raw milk from a sick animal and sour milk products made from it, in rare cases through food (usually food dishes cooked with heat and eaten with blood), agricultural workers are infected directly from the animal: by contact during milking, cleaning the barn (inhalation of fecal vapors) , during slaughter, treatment or care.

It is not possible to transmit disease from one person to another. The child is in trouble.

Symptoms Of Foot And Mouth Diseases:

  •       Sudden increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  •       Complex, complex;
  •       Shaking;
  •       At the end of the first day after the disease, the patient begins to feel a strong burning sensation in the mouth;
  •      Strong drinking;
  •      Redness and inflammation;
  •       Diabetes;
  •       Cutting pains and stinging that occur when you urinate;
  •       Swelling of the nose, cheeks;
  •       Enlarged lymph nodes can be injured by a bad bite;

the appearance of small bubbles in the mouth, nose, between the fingers and the sensitive tissue, which will become cloudy with time; after a few days, the bubbles will swell, where the ground will break (they will grow together, so large parts will be eroded, and the penis and urethra will be affected).

If the disease is not complicated, the correct treatment is done, then the healing will start after 7 days. There are many types of the disease and it will last up to two months with constant swelling.

Foods For Foot And Mouth Disease

During the illness, due to the difficulty of swallowing, the patient should drink a lot and eat semi-alcoholic drinks that can be easily inhaled. Do it sparingly, about five servings.

Bottom Line Remedies For Foot And Mouth Disease

First, in the treatment of foot and mouth disease, the disease is an old medicine for the disease of the oral cavity. To do this, wash it with chamomile broth. To prepare, you need half a chamomile flower (pre-dried) and a glass of hot water, you need to pour the medicinal plant. Cook until the soup is at room temperature (boiling water will make it stronger - the mucous membrane will burn). You should gargle your throat 5-6 times a day. You can also mix warm water with rivanol solution (measurement 1 to 1000).

During the day, you should drink two spoons of water with lime (2 times). To prepare, you must dilute 50 grams of lime in half a liter of warm water, leave to plant for a day. After 24 hours, the film should be removed from the surface of the water. Filter

Bubbles that appear on the skin should be lubricated with non-fatty sour cream. Also remember that this method can only be used with closed bubbles. Once opened, nothing can control it. In this case, you need to take a plastic wrap, make a tile in it, soak it in warm boiled water and wash the bubbles that have opened. After that, put a dry tape or tile on each bait. This is done to prevent ulcers from growing.

Also, unopened blisters can be wiped with a decoction of calendula (a spoonful of dry calendula inflorescences is taken for one glass of boiling water. It is possible to control the blisters not only on the skin, but it forms the lips and nose.

For quick drying and moisture recovery, you can use the sun's rays.

During foot and mouth disease, the whole body is impatient. To save the patient's life, he must drink a lot. Because of the intense heat, not only a lot of water was lost, but a lot of salt was produced. Therefore, to fill the salt-water balance for every 200 milliliters of warm water, you need to add ¼ teaspoon of salt. The patient should drink 1 liter of salt water and 1 liter of clean boiled water per day.

If there is an animal on the farm suffering from foot and mouth disease, its tongue is smeared with tar oil.

Bad And Bad Food For Food And  Mouth Disease

  • Fatty, hard, salty, spicy, dry, smoky foods;
  • Alternative food;
  • Spices and seasonings;
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • Drink, the temperature is more than 60 degrees.
  • All these products irritate the mucous membranes.


The agency is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided and does not guarantee that you will not injure yourself. The resources cannot be used to prepare treatment and diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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