Health is the greatest wealth!

World Health Day is celebrated every year on April 7 - the day when the World Health Organization was founded in 1948. Its purpose is to remind people about one of the greatest treasures entrusted to us - health, to update citizens' right to receive health care services and to emphasize their duty to take care of and be responsible for their health.

Specialists Doctors have prepared the publication "12 recommendations for health, a healthy and quality life" with the motto "Move, think, live!". Social sites (facebook, instagram & twitter) are advice on live long & happy life. In the publication, the authors have selected the best from the available information, researched by the world's medical science workers, given by the experience of doctors and based on the Latvian situation, for example: Take care of the earth, don't pollute it!; Learn - education means sanity, long life and good health!; Get up, move, live! Do sports at any age, compete!; Reduce the use of household chemicals in your everyday life!; Avoid injuries and protect others!; Eat smart!; Love yourself!; Choose your doctor and trust him!

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