How to change habits?

This time, let's deal with a specific form of training and its basic principles. Before

However, it will happen, we have to find time that we will be able to devote to physical activity. This time, however, is not easy, taking into account the busy and overload of duties nowadays, and a person prefers to rest in front of the TV or computer, lying or sitting, not worrying whether it will rain outside or simply the weather will deteriorate. Above all, we need to create a landscape of a healthy lifestyle in our heads. Optimism, good intentions, a bit of self-denial (after all, it's the hardest to start) and we will be able to fully enjoy outdoor activities.

The goal of training, which we can call health, is to improve our mobility, and thus prevent civilization diseases, and thus support the treatment of these diseases. At the outset, therefore, we are dealing with a similarity to the training of athletes, which, like ours, should be systematic and with an appropriate frequency. However, in the case of health training, we must follow special rules regarding safety. Namely, all exercises and activities should take place in full awareness of the knowledge of your own body and its capabilities. You can't Force it or allow a situation in which we will feel pain. Safety above all!

Two training sessionsa week is our minimum, but it is recommended to do exercises 3-4 times a week. Remembering that these are calm exercises, relaxing the body and improving its overall efficiency, and not endurance training for professionals. The duration of the session is from 30 to 50-60 minutes maximum. When starting a regular adventure with training, remember to start from a low level, with exercises with generally low efficiency and fitness. Moderate intensity efforts are recommended, without putting too much stress on your hips, knees and spine. The maximum heart rate should not exceed 140 beats per minute. Excellent forms of exercise, especially for the beginning, are swimming, exercising in the water, and cycling. We should also pay attention to the fact that low-intensity exercise is not only safer, but also ensures higher energy expenditure, thanks to the possibility of extending the time of exercise, because who said that cycling should end after 40 minutes, if so

Time passes pleasantly in nature and in the mountain landscape ... Moreover, during long-term work of moderate intensity, the energy demand is covered to a greater extent by lipid oxidation, so it is a better form of exercise for people with overweight and cardiovascular diseases than oxygen running.

If, on the other hand, our body allows us to work more dynamically, we are able to significantly improve the cardiovascular function, which is manifested in the reduction of the heart rate at rest, and we will have a beneficial effect on the plasma lipid profile and carbohydrate tolerance.

An important element of health training is resistance exercises aimed at shaping muscle strength. It should be remembered that the weight should not exceed 50% of the maximum force and that they should be performed without static load support. Sets of 8-10 repetitions should be performed two or three times in one training session, 2-3 times a week. These exercises have a smaller effect on the cardiovascular system, but they lower the resting blood pressure, so they can be used in the early stages of development

Hypertension. Strength exercises have a positive effect on bone density and structure, thus preventing osteoporosis. In addition, they prevent muscle loss.

All forms of training should be preceded by a warm-up. It is important to include muscle stretching and relaxation exercises. It is also very important to avoid suddenly stopping exercise due to the accumulated blood in the legs, which can reduce the blood supply to the brain (nausea, fainting).

And at the very end, it is worth consulting a doctor before starting systematic training and conducting appropriate tests, especially when our age is over 40.

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