Ways for cracked heels

Cracked heels are an unpleasant foot problem. When holidays come and you want to expose your feet, cracked heels then seem unsightly in the summer colors of the sandals. Many of us do not know that it is not only a cosmetic problem, but above all a dangerous ailment, as it is easy to get infected. It is worth trying methods for cracked feet to protect the skin from bacteria and viruses.

1. Home remedies for cracked heels

The skin of your heels cracks when you dry it too much, are overweight or wearing the wrong footwear. To get rid of the trouble with cracked heels, you need to regularly care for your feet, as this will prevent further consequences, such as suppuration and bleeding in the heel.

Foot care examples:

* Flaxseed - prepare a linseed bath (pour a bag of flax seeds in a bowl with two liters of boiling water, and when it cools down, soak cracked heels in it), then do not rinse, wait for it to soak into the skin, then remove the epidermis with a pumice stone.

* Salt bath - this is the old way of cracking heels; use medicinal salt for baths, e.g. Ionicka or Bochnia salt - do not use table salt for soaking your feet. If you have wounds on your heels, you can try the Dead Sea Extract, which heals cracked heels perfectly.

* Fenugreek bath - take two tablespoons of fenugreek, linseed and chamomile, pour hot water over them, then steep for 15 minutes, add to a bowl of water and soak your feet for 15 minutes).

2. Creams for cracked heels

* Use a special grater, pumice stones and scrubs. After soaking the feet, gently grater or pumice. After rubbing the epidermis, dry the skin and apply a moisturizing cream immediately. Apply a moisturizing cream once a week to cracked heels, dress your feet in thick cotton socks and leave them overnight.

* When cracked heels are bothering you, prepare them for a vitamin treatment. Make a gentle foot scrub and crush the vitamin A capsule and massage it onto each heel.

* In the pharmacy and drugstore you can buy creams for cracked heels, which are intended for dry and calloused skin (they may contain urea, which additionally softens the heels). Before applying it, heal any bleeding and festering spots on your feet. Use this cosmetic every day until you get visible results.

If you can't deal with cracked heels, get help a beautician who will perform a professional pedicure once a month and a paraffin treatment - this one softens, smoothest and deeply moisturizes the skin of your feet. In addition, you can buy several effective ointments at the pharmacy that are used in serious diseases of the feet.

To prevent the skin on the heels from becoming keratinized, peeling and unsightly cracking, it is worth getting into the habit of rubbing the top layer of skin from your heels with a pumice stone during your daily bath or shower. In warm water, the skin on the heels softens and is easier to rub off. If your heels are severely cracked, they can be rubbed with a special cosmetic grater, and immediately after the treatment you can rub a foot cream into your feet to smooth the surface of the heel.      


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