Is it possible to get fat in a week with methods? Which method is better?

We have heard a lot about gaining weight in a week in recent years. Just as fat is not beautiful, thinness also makes your body look ugly. When the body becomes thin, the face becomes so bony that it takes away your beauty. Fitness means that your body is full and without excess fat. When you are skinny and bony, no clothes look good on you. The body is always loose. So, if you want to get away from a thin and bony body and become a little fatter, consider these solutions and recommendations.

1- Above all, consider your height and weight

2- Ways to get fat in a week

3- Practical advice to gain weight quickly in a week

Before deciding to gain weight in a week, you should first measure your height and weight. In general, proportional weight is obtained through the following formula:

Height size - 105 = proportional weight

First of all, consider your height and weight

Before deciding to gain weight in a week, you should first measure your height and weight. In general, proportional weight is obtained through the following formula:

Height size - 105 = proportional weight

For example, if your height is 170 cm, you need to subtract it from the number 105 to get the number 65. So your appropriate weight is approximately 65 kg. If your weight is much lower than the result of this subtraction, you should think about a multi-month obesity diet. For example, if your height is 170 cm, but your weight is 50 kg; You are 15 kg away from reaching fitness. Let us tell you from the beginning that you should not be in such a hurry to get fat. Because obesity damages the liver at once. But if your weight loss is between 1-3 kg, you can make up for it within a week.

Ways to get fat in a week

There are many ways to gain weight fast. These days, many centers talk about fattening drugs with irreversible properties. The truth is that chemical drugs have a great effect on weight gain. So that you can gain more than 5 kilos in one week. But this method has been rejected by nutritionists and doctors. Many of these drugs do not have a health license and endanger your health. Instead of thinking about using these nameless drugs, it is better to try natural ways. Of course, you should not rush to gain weight and go slowly.

Chemical drugs have a great effect on weight gain. So that you can gain more than 5 kilos in one week. But this method has been rejected by nutritionists and doctors.

Practical advice to gain weight quickly in a week

So that you can increase your weight within a week or eventually a month, the following solutions can help you:

Increase meals

One of the problems of thin people is lack of appetite. On the other hand, their stomachs cannot tolerate excessive food digestion. Even when a thin person decides to gain weight, they may experience stomach pain or digestive problems. So the best way to gain weight in a week is to eat more meals. Instead of eating a heavy and elaborate meal, divide it into several parts and eat it at intervals. With this method, there is no pressure on the stomach and digestive system and your weight increases.

Increase your snacks

Eat nutritious foods between main meals. Foods such as bananas, mangoes, watermelons, honey, milk and dates cause weight gain. In this method, 2 hours after breakfast, eat a nutritious fruit or a few bites of bread and cheese. Also, eat between lunch and dinner so that you gain weight over time. Also, drink a glass of milk with a few dates before going to bed. This work not only increases weight, but also helps the digestive system work better.

Eat nutritious foods between main meals. Foods such as bananas, mangoes, watermelons, honey, milk and dates cause weight gain. In this method, 2 hours after breakfast, eat a nutritious fruit or a few bites of bread and cheese

Avoid soft drinks and fast food

Many people turn to fast food and soft drinks to gain weight quickly. While this method over time endangers the health of the body. It is true that fast food and soft drinks have a great effect on weight gain, but don't forget about fitness. These foods cause disproportionate obesity. Carbohydrate and fat hidden in these foods and drinks cause the belly to grow.

Don't forget protein foods

A standard and correct obesity should be such that all organs become equally obese. So for this, go to proteins. Protein foods help build muscles. At the same time, because they do not contain cholesterol and fat, your belly and sides will not grow. Protein is a filling food and the body gets fat accordingly.

Count on potatoes and water to gain weight in a week. Drink between 7-8 glasses of water during the day. This increases appetite. On the other hand, include potatoes in your diet.

Do not forget potatoes and water

Count on potatoes and water to gain weight in a week. Drink between 7-8 glasses of water during the day. This increases appetite. On the other hand, include potatoes in your diet. Because this food contains a lot of starch and protein, which causes obesity. Of course, eat it grilled.

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