Love your heart, that is nutrition and the condition of the circulatory system


In our culture, it is primarily a symbol of love, feelings and even the soul. Under potash cultivation, the romantic thing is ready for the current pump to circulate blood throughout the cycle. Only thanks not to any company can metal touch and order space.

Although it plays a role, few know how to take care of it. Not wanting your heart in front of increasingly difficult behavior. This means that the effect has an effect on the cardiovascular system.

How to decode a lipid gram, i.e. body lipids up close and their relationship with atherosclerosis

On the first, first day, a simple preliminary method of vascular medicine is a blood test. It must then be necessary to set the following parameters: cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. These concepts may wait for the user, a real puzzle of sacrifice applies to them, so it's worth it. Fats are cholesterol in the body, and they are transported from the so-called lipoprotein. They are into complex triglycerides, along with knowledge. It is distinguished by low-density lipoprotein, abbreviated as LDL, which has been assigned an ominous role in the replacement of atherosclerosis. Their oxidized persons have the ability to damage. It is conducive to accumulating in the lifting capacity of the blood circulation system. Inflammation from mediators is initiated and plaque formation begins. She narrows herself by studying a blood course, in which, in the background, preparing for the sound of blood, identifying with the act, they created courses preparing for the creation of courses. This is what can be set up in the heart - a heart attack or in the brain - a stroke. High density lipoproteins (HDL), in turn, have the opposite function. Cholesterol transport is prevented when it comes to putting yourself at risk of working on a testicle. Trig lides are the form found in fats. The major transport is across the slopes, but some amounts of lipoproteins are also remaining. Their high level, also the elimination of the blood cell system from the service. It is necessary to interpret (the importance of lipid fraction in the lipid profile) to ensure that the norm for maintaining LDL and glycerides is not exceeded, and that the cardio protective level that protects HDL is maintained.

Fat has many names, which means which of them is safe for the heart

The fundamental research on the way of nutrition conducive to the occurrence of ischemic heart disease and also one that protects this extremely important organ was the initiative of Dr. Ancel Keys, later called the Seven Countries Study. His results clearly showed that the more fat in the diet, especially the fat rich in saturated fatty acids, the higher the incidence of cardiovascular problems. The least frequent were the inhabitants of Japan, who were characterized by a low fat consumption, and Mediterranean countries such as Greece and Italy, where olive oil, dominated by a monounsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid, was widely used in cooking (more in one of the following paragraphs on the Mediterranean diet). ). Studies conducted among Inuit, in turn, showed a surprisingly low incidence of cardiovascular disease compared to the rest of the Danish population. After analyzing their diet, an unusually high consumption of fatty marine fish was noticed.

Epidemiological studies have led to simple conclusions. In order to prevent cardiovascular diseases, limit the consumption of fatty meats and their products (pork, mutton, duck, goose, bacon, lard, lard, sausages, sausages, canned meat, offal products such as pate) and dairy products (cream, yellow cheese, blue cheese , melted, mascarpone, fromage spreads), as well as butter. The healthiest choice for the heart is using vegetable oils in reasonable amounts. They are best eaten raw when added to fresh ones

vegetables. Then the low-processed oils, i.e. the so-called virgin or extra virgin. However, you need to take care of their proper storage: in a cool place, protected from light, in a dark bottle. Too long storage, especially under inappropriate conditions, favors oxidative transformations of the fatty acids contained in the oil, which suppress their beneficial effects. For thermal processing, i.e. frying with a small amount of fat, more durable, refined oils are better suited. The oils with a high oleic acid content, i.e. olive oil and rapeseed oil, are characterized by the highest oxidation stability.

The source of unsaturated fatty acids beneficial to health are also nuts, seeds and seeds such as: walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame. Fish, especially fatty marine species, contain a significant amount of n-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid - EPA, docosahexaenoic DHA). They belong to the so-called essential unsaturated fatty acids (EFAs), so named due to the fact that our body cannot synthesize them on its own, hence it becomes necessary to provide them with food. Their consumption is especially important due to the general advantage in food products of the second group of EFA acids - the so-called the n-6 family (colloquially omega-6). It turns out that the excess of linoleic acid or gamma-linolenic acid belonging to this group in the diet has an unfavorable effect, increasing the production of tissue hormones - eicosanoids of a pro-inflammatory nature, favoring atherosclerotic, thrombotic, allergic or even cancer processes. According to experts, the correct proportion of the consumption of n-6 to n-3 acids should be 4-5: 1. Omega acids are an extremely important part of the diet, find out how they affect your health.

In addition to fatty acids, vegetable oils, especially cold-pressed oils, also contain other compounds with beneficial effects for the human body. Phytosterols, the main representative of which is β-sitosterol, lower LDL cholesterol by reducing the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines. Studies have shown that their consumption at the level of 1.5–2 g / day gives the effect of reducing the atherogenic lipoprotein fraction by 9–14%. The highest levels of phytosterols are recorded in sea buckthorn, rapeseed and linseed oil. Tocopherols, in turn, are primarily antioxidant, while squalene, which is present in significant amounts in the liver of sharks and whales, but also in amaranth oil, olive oil and pumpkin seed oil, is hypolipemic because it inhibits the activity of enzymes involved in endogenous cholesterol production.

Table 1 Recommended amount of consumption of particular types of fatty acids and their dietary sources

Type of fatty acids

Optimal amount of consumption (% of total energy)

Food sources



fatty meats and their products (pork, mutton, duck, goose, bacon, lard, lard, sausages, sausages, canned meat, offal products such as pate), fatty dairy cream, yellow cheese, blue cheese, melted cheese, mascarpone, for from age spreads ), butter, palm oil, coconut oil


difference total fat (saturated + polyunsaturated + trans)

olive oil, rapeseed oil, hazelnut oil



sea fish: cod, mackerel, tuna, salmon, herring, halibut, sardines, sprat

including n-6


evening primrose oil, grape seed oil, borage seed oil, walnut oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil

including n-3


linseed oil, linseed oil (also called saffron oil), raspberry seed oil


<1% of total energy

ruminant milk and meat (veal, beef, lamb) -> they are not negatively influenced, hard margarines and confectionery based on them, fast food, instant products, especially deep-fried, bars, wafers, cookies, biscuits , crackers, all types of products containing hydrogenated / hydrogenated vegetable fats

all (total fat)

up to 30%


The Mediterranean diet is the best nutrition for the heart

As mentioned earlier, the Seven Countries Study showed that the lowest incidence of cardiovascular diseases, including ischemic heart disease, is associated with a specific diet, characteristic especially for the inhabitants of Crete, Greece and southern Italy. The Mediterranean diet features positively influencing the heart listed by Antonia Trichopoulou include:

high consumption of olive oil, vegetables (especially leafy vegetables: various types of lettuce, spinach, purslane), fruit, cereal products (mainly bread), legume seeds,

  • average consumption of dairy products, fish and alcohol (mainly wine),
  • low consumption of meat and meat products.

The power of vegetables and fruits - the role of antioxidants in improving the condition of the cardiovascular system

Anthocyanins are natural plant pigments belonging to the group of flavonoids. They range in color from red to purple. In the context of the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, their role is related to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They neutralize free radicals, quenching chain reactions, and protect plasma lipoproteins against oxidation. In addition, they seal blood vessels, improving blood flow, and inhibit aggregation (formation of clusters, clumping) of thrombocytes. They also reduce the tendency to form dangerous blood clots, which they achieve by stimulating the endothelial synthesis of PGI2 prostacyclin, which, in addition to preventing the formation of platelet aggregates, dilates blood vessels, which lowers blood pressure.

Separating specific compounds from this extensive group, which are anthocyanins, it should be mentioned that the one called cyanidin 3-O-b-glucopyranoside, which occurs in plants such as red cabbage, corn or blackberries, has an antioxidant effect, prevents oxidation of the membrane lipids of cardiomyocytes (heart cells), which protects them against damage during ischemia and reperfusion (restoring circulation in a previously closed vessel). Proanthocyanidins are credited with reducing the extent of myocardial necrosis, reducing the risk of tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. An example of a plant material that is rich in anthocyanins and is "beneficial" for the heart is hawthorn - its leaves, flowers and fruit. It strengthens the strength of heart contraction, improves its efficiency, tolerance of oxygen deficit and exercise, reducing such unpleasant symptoms as palpitations or shortness of breath. In the case of irregular work rhythm resulting from disturbed conductivity, it restores regularity and regularity. It also has a hypotensive effect. Important

The power of vegetables and fruits - the role of fiber in improving the condition of the cardiovascular system

Although fiber is mainly associated with the regulation of intestinal peristalsis, it can also play an extremely positive role in the body's lipid metabolism. Its water-soluble fraction (pectins, β-glucans) is capable of lowering cholesterol levels. It is present in apples, plums, oranges, grapefruits, apricots, quinces, currants, raspberries, gooseberries, naturally cloudy juices, oatmeal, brown rice, psyllium seeds, potatoes, broccoli, zucchini, and carrots.

1- The power of vegetables and fruits - products with a special role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases

2- blueberries, blueberries, chokeberry, cranberry, red grapes and wine - due to the content of anthocyanins, they can seal blood vessels, prevent excessive coagulation, inhibit LDL cholesterol oxidation, limiting the formation of atherosclerotic plaque;

3- garlic - thanks to the presence of allicin, sulphides and flavonoids in it, it reduces the tendency of platelets to aggregate, prevents the formation of clots, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure; however, you need to be careful with garlic, because its excess can be harmful;

4- apples and onions - sources of quercetin - a substance that interacts with vitamin C and protects it (chelates metals, increases absorption, stabilizes the molecule), sealing blood vessels, has a comprehensive anti-atherosclerotic effect, preventing inflammation, oxidation of LDL cholesterol, vascular smooth muscle proliferation and platelet aggregation; patients with coronary artery disease are advised to eat 1 onion a day, cooked or raw;

5- beets - betaine and betacyans present in them reduce the fragility of blood vessels, slightly lower blood pressure and have a positive effect on cholesterol levels;

6- grapefruit - its active ingredient in counteracting atherosclerosis is galacturonic acid, because it lowers cholesterol. It is found mainly in the fibers of the flesh of this fruit, therefore drinking clear juice will not bring such beneficial effects;

7- artichokes - cynarin in them reduces cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, most likely by inhibiting the formation of cholesterol in the liver, increasing its elimination in the bile, through increased conjugation with bile acids.

Other products that will allow you to take care of your heart

1- nuts - they contain unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants such as vitamin E or selenium, lower cholesterol, increase satiety and excrete fat with the feces; should be consumed in a reasonable dose - a few a day, as they are very caloric. There are many types of nuts, choose your favorite species.

2- green tea - epigallocatechin gallate reduces fat absorption by inhibiting the activity of enzymes that are involved in its digestion (lipases), it also reduces the oxidation of LDL cholesterol;

3- legumes (soybeans, beans, lentils) - unlike animal proteins, their protein contains little of the amino acid methionine, which is a precursor of homocysteine ​​- considered to be an independent factor contributing to atherosclerosis and heart attacks; additionally, they are a source (especially soy) of unsaturated fatty acids that lower cholesterol;

4- rosemary leaves - alcoholic and hydroalcoholic extracts have a relaxing effect on blood vessels, lower blood pressure, increase the strength of heart contraction, improve coronary blood flow (the network of heart-nourishing vessels); you can make wine from them. Preparation: crush a handful of fresh leaves and pour a liter of dry white wine, leave for 3-7 days, then filter them. The recommended therapeutic dose is 25-30 ml 1-2 times a day

At the present level of scientific development, much is known about effective methods of preventing cardiovascular diseases. These include regular physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day), avoiding smoking and a whole range of possible dietary support. Do something for your heart - choose at least one and put it into practice tomorrow.


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