The benefits of yoga for mental health

Sadguru is answering a question about the growing mental illness around the world and explaining that it is happening because we are removing all the supportive measures that were in place to keep people mentally healthy.

Q: Mental-health problems such as depression and anxiety seem to be on the rise in many parts of the world, including India. What is your opinion on this?

Sadguru: Being mentally ill is not a funny thing. This is the most difficult thing. If you have a physical illness you will have the sympathy of everyone, but when you have a mental illness you will unfortunately be the butt of laughter. Because it is very difficult to understand when someone is sick and when someone is doing bad things. This is the biggest problem for those who have a mentally disturbed person at home. You do not know when they are pretending to lie and when they are really suffering. You never know when you're going to be sympathetic to them and when you're going to be tough.

Mental temperament is very fragile. The line between naturalness and unnaturalness is very narrow. If you keep pushing it every day, you will cross the line one day. Which expression is used when you are angry? "My head isn't right in anger," or, "I'm mad in anger now." You might enjoy that little bit of madness - you crossed the line and tasted a kind of liberation and power. But one day when you can't get back on the other side of the line - your pain starts. It's not like physical pain - it's excruciating pain. I live among people who are mentally ill - trying to help them. No one should have this disease. But unfortunately it is taking the shape of an epidemic in the world.

Why mental disorders are on the rise

In Western society it is happening on a huge scale. India will not lag behind too much. India's urban society in particular will move in this direction, because in many ways urban society is more Western than Western. We have more denim people here than in America!

Such an unprecedented increase in mental illness is happening because we are removing the supportive systems that people had but not giving anything helpful instead. If people become aware and capable of themselves in that way - then everything will be fine even if you remove all the helpers. But without that skill, if you just remove the helpers, people will break down.

For a long time we have relied on certain things for our mental and emotional stability. But now, those things are being removed. One of them is family. The family gives us a special support - no matter what happens, there is always someone for you. Everyone else is with you - when you fix everything. If you do wrong - they will take you away. The family was a bunch of people - the safety net of the circus you did. There was someone to hold you for a while no matter how you read. But for many people nowadays, that net is no more. Now if you read, you will read. That is why people are breaking down.

There was a traditional time in Indian culture when 30 percent of the population were monks. They consciously chose to live without family, to live without help, to live without a home - not because of homelessness but because of their own choice. None of them ever got tired because they rose above the necessity of that net.

If you have mastered the game of trapeze bar very well, you can do it without the net. But if you are not good at it, it is better to use your net, otherwise your head will crack. All this is happening now. We are removing the traditional support systems that we had.

Another aspect is religion. Religion could easily handle the mental balance of the people. "God is with you, no worries." This is what brought stability to many people. Do not underestimate its usefulness. Nowadays people are trying to go to psychologists. There are not enough psychologists for 130 crore people in India. No country. The biggest thing is that they are not very effective, because they can only see one client at a time, and they need a lot of furniture! We have to accept this aspect of religion with due respect. It is a very cheap treatment for mental illness.

Q. It is definitely a crisis that hurts us and some even take help. Often the cause of the disease is chemical imbalance and medication is given for it. You told us to look for that sweetness inside us. How can that help in such a situation?

A collective harmony of chemistry

Sadguru: Human sweetness can be seen in many ways. A very common way is that every human experience has a chemical basis. What we call peace, joy, love, unrest, tranquility, suffering, ecstasy - each has a chemical basis. Even health and unhealthiness have a chemical basis. The job of a physician is to try to manage this harmony of chemistry. Today the whole pharmacological science is trying to manage your health only through chemicals.

Even mental illness is largely controlled by the application of chemicals from the outside. But all the chemicals you can think of on this planet are already present in our bodies in one way or another.

Yoga for mental health

Basically health means a degree of sweetness. If your body is beautiful then we call it health. If your body becomes very pleasant then we call it happiness. If it becomes too sweet, we call it joy. If your passion becomes pleasant, we call it love. When they become too sweet, we call them mercy. When your vitality becomes pleasant, we call it bliss. When they become very sweet, we call him Turiananda. We call it success when your surroundings become pleasant.

We are trying to manage sweetness with chemicals. It is said that 70 percent of the population in the United States is dependent on some form of prescription drug. In the wealthiest countries, where there are plenty of opportunities to choose nutritious food and lifestyle - 70 percent of people are using prescribed drugs. Your mental well-being and physical health you want to manage by injecting chemicals from the outside.

The human body is a complex chemical factory. It is very difficult to manage from the outside. You can handle it from the inside, but you must have access to it from within! Yoga gives you access to the source of the vibrating creation within you. You have an intelligence that can transform a grain of rice or a banana or a piece of bread into a human being. With a little bit of bread you produce the most complex mechanical-structure on this planet! If even a drop of this intelligence enters your daily life, your life will become like magic, not difficult.

The pain that people are suffering is just their mental drama. It's your drama but very badly directed. If you are suffering from this drama, then surely everyone around you is also suffering from this. If your play is poorly directed, only you can turn it into an enjoyable play. What is going on in your mind is just your drama.The drama of this world may not happen like you, because it is much bigger than you, but for Niden, whatever is going on in your brain should be as you wish. Now is the time to take control.

Just as you can build the exterior technically, you can also build your own interior. Just as there is a science and technology for creating external happiness and comfort, there is a whole science and technology for creating internal happiness and comfort. There is also a way to build your interior. As you are, how to create the chemistry of bliss by changing its basic chemistry - it has the appropriate scientific steps. Once you create the chemistry of ecstasy you are in ecstasy in your own nature, not for anything else. This is what we offer as 'Inner Engineering'.

‘Inner Engineering Online’ can help you get rid of fatigue and anxiety

Extensive observations by researchers at the University of Indiana, Beth Israel Decanes Medical Center, Rutgers and the University of Florida have found that just 90 days of ‘inner engineering’ practice increases brain-generated neurotropic factor (BDNF) levels by 300 percent. It is a well-known fact that if the BDNF Low levels can lead to anxiety, depression, Alzheimer's, mental retardation and dementia. So through 'Inner Engineering', people are able to get out of their tired and anxious state.

The 'inner engineering' process involves the body, mind, emotions and vitality. We need to do directly what needs to be done with the body and life force, because that is a transmission, not a teaching. But what we do with the mind and emotions is a kind of teaching. You can realize that online.

For most people, if the way they think and feel can be changed, you will see a huge change in their lives. If you can think the way you want to - not necessarily anything else, then naturally you will be in ecstasy. Now if you can keep your emotions very pleasant, then your home will also become very pleasant. All the emotional and emotional benefits - which naturally manifest themselves in social use - are all in 'Inner Engineering Online'. There is a need to transmit the energy level and the physical aspect directly. It will not be taught online because there is a lot involved with it. You have to learn Shambhavi Mahamudra separately. But 'Inner Engineering Online' will transform the way you think and perceive.

Most people think that this is the ultimate transformation. If one can think and feel differently and they become pleasant people, then people start saying, "He is a spiritual man, what a wonderful person he is." No, he is just an ordinary man, the evolution of others is still going on! If a person is conscious - he thinks as he pleases, not under compulsion; And holding his emotions as he pleases, he is just a man. For those who can't even think and feel as they please, there are evolutionary problems. This evolutionary problem can be handled through the 'Inner Engineering Online' program.


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