Cardio Strength Circuit Challenge

Ready for a challenging job? This is a cardio strength challenge - a high intensity series of circuits that work every inch of your body while helping to burn extra calories.

Each round includes high-density cardio and strength movements - which include several joint exercises - representing the upper, lower, and major muscles. For best results, you will move quickly from one move to another, so make moves before the workout to make sure your form is good.

This workout is ideal for healthy intermediate and advanced exercisers free from injury.

Equipment required

Several heavy dumbbells, a BOSU balance trainer (you can use a step as an alternative), a medicine ball and a resistance board.

Training tips

1. Start with a 5- to 10-minute injection of light-moderate cardio

2. Perform one round, one exercise for another for 1-2 circles, between rounds of 60 seconds

3. Change depending on your exercise level, but try to use weights that challenge you.

4. Monitor your intensity and make sure you stay between level 4-8.

Circuit 1 - Toe tops for BOSU

Pike Wahner

Stand behind a BOSU, step or platform and touch the top right foot. Touch the left foot towards the top and jump up, changing the air legs. To proceed, go as fast as you can.

Go for 30-60 seconds.

Squat with an overhead press

Pike Wahner

Start this combination with your legs apart at waist distance. Keep a light-medium weight on the shoulder, keep the level of coolness low, and keep the knees on the toes and toes. Push on the heels while the weights push upwards.

Repeat for 16 delegates.

Deadlift combo

Pike Wahner
From the hips to the front of the thighs and hips with a weight. Weights near the shins or toes, bend the knees and keep the back straight and the hips straight. Your body should be at a 45 degree angle, hip back and ABS involved. Push with glutes to stand.

Repeat for 12 delegates.

Pushups with a medicine milk

Pushup with medicine milk.
Go to the pushing position on the knees (easy) or toes (very hard). Under one pushup, press back and roll the ball across the floor with another pushup. Continue to roll the ball back and forth with each pushup.

Repeat for 12 delegates.

Overhead squat

Pike Wahner
Stand in a wide position holding light-medium weights. Take the left hand hanging between the legs with the right hand. Watch the right arm (optional) lower on a squat until the hips are on the floor. Raise hands and press up again.

Go 30 seconds for each page.

Rest for 1 minute, repeat this cycle or move on to the next round.

Circuit 2 - Jumping Jacks

Pike Wahner
Spread the legs wide apart while rotating the arms upwards. With hands down, feet together again. You can also move quickly again.

Repeat for 60 seconds.

Lateral in elegant row

Pike Wahner
Beat right on one side for lunch. Push the heels as you move the feet back together. To do in a straight line, pull up to the shoulders with the knees and repeat the left side wall. Retrieve the entire series for 12 delegates.

Return to 12 delegates (one delegate turn right and left).

Lateral launch acceleration

Pike Wahner
Place a paper plate or curved arch on the left foot and hold a heavyweight on the left side. Keep the left leg straight, place the weight on the right leg and extend the left side to the knee. Stand back and drive the left leg while you stand.

Switch pages repeatedly for 12 reps.

Traitor line

Pike Wahner
Starting at a plank position, tighten both weights, on the toes (hard) or knees (modified). Holding that position, place the hip square on the floor and lift the right arm in a row. Reduce the weight and repeat the sequence on the reverse side. Continually, tilt the plank sideways as you hold it.

Repeat for 60 seconds.

Wood chop

Pike Wahner
Attach the resistor to a brave object near the floor. Beat the other results and take a few steps to get extra pressure. Take the arms at a diagonal by keeping the arms straight, rotating the body and pressing the ABS. Center on the feet and rotate the hips and knees as you turn. Repeat and repeat.

Repeat for 16 reps and switch pages.

Rest for 1 minute, repeat this cycle or move on to the next round.

Circuit 3 - Above BOSU

Pike Wahner
Start low on the right foot and squat on the pile. Jump up quickly, landing in a squat on the other side. Continuing back and forth on the dome, jump higher with greater intensity.

Repeat for 60 seconds.

Blast with rotation

Pike Wahner
Hold a heavy weight or kettle (optional) in both hands on the chest. Bring the elbows inside, knees down, over a deep squat. When you stand up, take the weight head lightly and rotate it to the right side, pivoting on both legs. Bottom and back.

For 60 seconds, repeat the alternate pages.

Split split by rotation

Pike Wahner
Stand about 3 in front of a BOSU or step and place the upper right leg, arms out to the sides. When you fight, rotate the body, bringing the left leg and left arm straight upwards with the right hand. Start again and stand up.

Repeat for 12 reps on each page.

Global squat with hammer curls

Pike Wahner

The legs are wide, at a small angle, with the toes on each hand, facing each other. A squat tube, at least you can go, is placed just below the knees. Press through the terminals while curling the weight on a hammer coil. Bottom and back.

Repeat for 60 seconds.

Fixed equator with rotation

At a lunch, the right leg will start forward and the left leg will start again. Hold a medicine ball straight out. With the body parts in place, rotate the arms around the body from right to left. Move to the city and now move to the left and slow down and control.

Repeat for 8 reps on each leg.

Rest for 1 minute, repeat this cycle or move on to the next round.

Circuit 4 - Perfection squat

Pike Wahner
Keep your hands on the floor on both sides of the squat and feet. Jump and put down, keep the body straight, lift the legs and move the legs. Lift the legs up and stand up, bend the knees in low squats, and cover the knees and ankles.

Repeat for 30-60 seconds.

Medicine Milk Calf Bulls

Pike Wahner
Hold a medicine ball on a paper tray or guiding disc under the left toes. Pull the weight out as you pull your right knees to the right and left. Bring the ball back slowly by bending the right elbow full time and starting the left leg again.

Repeat for 16 reps on each page.

Accelerators with leg extensions

Pike Wahner
Sit on a step or chair, arms next to thighs, knees bent. The elbows tend to push the step. When you press, stretch the right leg and place the foot in your left hand. Alternate on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand.

Repeat for 30-60 seconds.

Spiderman Plank

Pike Wahner
On the hands and toes, extract the back flat and FSA, starting at the plank position. Lift the left leg and bring it towards the left elbow, bending the knees. I go back to the beginning and go again and again.

30-60 seconds 

Rest for 1 minute, repeat this cycle or move on to the next round.

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