Fitness tests - endurance, endurance, flexibility

I am often asked how to start training, what type and intensity of exercise to choose, what is better - to run, ride a bike, swim, do yoga or use training videos of any coaching system?

The choice of exercise is individual in each case, because it depends on many things, such as age, the amount of extra pounds, how long you have been sedentary, whether you have exercised periodically at least periodically, and genetic predisposition. However, the most important and main factor is your current level of physical training - what loads your heart can carry, endurance that depends on the muscles and flexibility. First of all it is necessary to determine this in order to start with the level that you will be able to overcome in order to avoid frustrations and injuries.

Also, before you start exercising, it is essential to make sure you are healthy, or if in doubt, consult your doctor. Then do fitness tests to gauge what kind of load you will be able to withstand and make a choice based on your exercise type.

You can do similar tests at home. You need to have a stopwatch, a floor mat specifically designed for exercise, and a small chair or ladder of 30 cm. Take a sleep test on a day when you have not exercised, have not drunk coffee, alcohol or energy drinks.

The test consists of 4 parts: 1. Step test; 2. Absorption test; 3. Press muscle test; 4. Lower limb muscle endurance test.

You can do each part of the test at different times, or in sequence, at four-minute intervals to relax and regain strength.

Step test to assess the level of cardio (heart) training

For this test you will need a small solid chair or ladder 30 cm high. You have to go up and down on it continuously for 3 minutes. Place one foot, then the other, lower one leg, then the other. Try to follow the exact rhythm, it is easy if you repeat "up, up, down, down" or count "one, two, three, four". Schedule a time. After exactly three minutes, do not sit down and immediately count your pulse for one minute. Compare the number of pulse beats received in the results table in the appropriate graph for your age.

For best and best results, you can afford any cardio workouts.

If you get average results - do aerobics, dance, jogging is not forbidden, but be careful, your endurance is not so good, so if you have difficulty maintaining pace during exercise, have difficulty breathing and start to breathe, it is better to either slow down or stop.

If you have a bad result, the pulse is not only very high, but also calms down very slowly, then you will have to start from "zero": walk for half an hour a day, walk on the treadmill at a speed of 3-4 km / h, without any acceleration and inclination. Slowly increase the loads.

Abdominal test to assess the strength of the muscles of the upper body

How many lifts will you be able to do per minute? Both men and women should perform azimuths in the usual classic layout - the floor rests only on the palms of the hands and the tips of the feet. The legs and back are spread in a straight line when you run down. Count how many lifts you will be able to do non-stop. Compare the number of azimuths in the results table in the appropriate graph for your age.

Press test to assess the strength of the abdominal muscles

How many presses can you do per minute? Fold your arms forward (but do not use the wrist to complete the movement), stretch the abdominal press, and push so that your hands touch the top of the knee. Do not stretch the neck and head, do not try to perform the press using inertia. Calculate how much you will do in one minute and compare the points in the results table in the appropriate graph for your age.

A wall-sitting test to assess the endurance of the muscles of the lower extremities of the body

To understand the strength of the muscles of the lower extremities, you need to see how long you will be able to stay in a sitting position leaning against the wall. Lean against the wall and bend your legs 90 degrees so that you are in a sitting position on a chair. Do not lean your hands against the wall and do not help! As soon as you get to the position, turn on the stopwatch immediately. Count how long you can hold this position. 30 seconds is the average level. 60 seconds is good. 90 seconds is the best.

The body must be harmoniously developed. Did you find a weak point? Spend more time with her workouts. Sit-ups, push-ups, and presses will help to strengthen the muscles of the leg and upper body. The main thing is not to overdo it because of getting a quick result.

Tests to test flexibility

Such a test is not needed only by those who are going to practice yoga. Movement of sufficient amplitude is required for all types of exercise.

Test for spinal flexibility. Stand up straight, then lean forward and try to reach the floor with your hands. Try to feel how freely you can move, do you have any unpleasant sensations, pain in the lumbar region.

Test for shoulder girdle flexibility. Stand up straight, raise your right hand up, then bend at the elbow and bring your hand down to your back. At this time, lower your left hand, bend at the elbow, bring your back up, and try to reach with your right hand.

Test for hip flexibility. Start on a long chair or something on a solid straight surface on which you sit completely. Push to the right side, pull the left knee to the chest and fold the arms. Keep your right leg outstretched so that you are trying to reach the floor. Repeat the test with the other foot as well.

Test for uterine yoga. Sit, knees bent, feet on the floor. Bend your knees and bring them to the floor, then hold your ankles together and so bring them to your chest, as close as you can. Observe how much distance will remain between them.

Test results:

If you get good results, do not give up: you need to maintain flexibility and muscle elasticity. Allow at least 5-10 minutes of stretching during each workout. If you have bad results, then you need to know what the reason is. This can be a natural congenital inflexibility as well as a problem of the spine and joints. So it is best to see a doctor and if you are allowed to exercise, devote a lot of time to flexibility and spine exercises. Yoga and the best help in such times

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