Foods not to eat and what to eat before 10am

Breakfast is a very important meal, it can either make your day. By choosing and eating the right breakfast for a person, the mood throughout the day will be better and depression will be prevented. Mainly the food we eat in the morning helps a lot in keeping our body fit. So choose and eat a healthy breakfast.

But now many of us choose to eat a few wrong foods in the morning, thinking it is healthy. So Tamil Bold Sky has given you below the foods and reasons to avoid eating before 10 am to stay healthy and fit.

Buttered toast

Most people think that you should not eat fatty foods during breakfast. But breakfast should not be fat-free. Choose a healthy high fat diet in the morning. Avocado contains fats that help to process vitamins. But it also contains unhealthy saturated fats. This can cause damage to your heart and increase body weight.

The best alternative

Rub peanut butter on toast for breakfast. In one study, peanuts and clean peanut butter were found to help reduce appetite during the day. This is because it increases the production of the peptide YY, a hormone that regulates appetite. So this would be a great breakfast.


Cherries are a breakfast that a lot of people eat. Most of the cherries in it are high in sugar. This will increase the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. In one study, small plaques were found to be associated with high calorie food intake. Because, when the cherries are big, people will eat less of it.

The best alternative

Eat sugar-free oats. It has a healthy amount of fiber and no sugar. Taking a small amount of sugar in the morning will help prevent you from getting tired before noon. If you want to eat flakes with sugar, buy large quantities of flakes.

Pancakes and waffles

When rushing to get up in the morning and going to the office, most people eat foods rich in refined carbohydrates such as frozen pancakes, waffles and cookies. When you eat foods containing refined carbohydrates for breakfast it will quickly cause hunger. In addition they are low in fiber and high in trans fats which are harmful to health.

The best alternative

You can make and eat pancakes made from whole grain flour at home. These are high in fiber. If not, you can toast and eat whole grain breads

Low fat yogurt

Low-fat yogurts are best sold at breakfast. Unfortunately, these are high in sugar and low in protein for flavor. Studies have shown that high-fat yogurt can help you lose weight. When you eat protein rich foods in the morning, it will reduce your appetite during the day.

The best alternative

Fatty yogurt is better than low fat yogurt. So buy and eat sugar-free fatty yogurts to stay fit.

Fruit juices

Studies show that most fruit juices are high in sugar, just like soda. So adding fruit juices during breakfast is a bad choice. Fruit juices are low in fiber. Also, shaking your mouth well and chewing food will give you satisfaction. That in itself is less satisfying than being slow. That’s why it’s not good to add fruit juices to breakfast to make a day better.

The best alternative

Eat fruits instead of fruit juices. It is a great way to stimulate the digestive system in the morning and also prepares to eat high calorie foods in the afternoon.


Apples, garlic, pears, beans and peaches all contain fermentable, disaccharides, monosaccharide's and polios, these are high in carbohydrates. It can be a little difficult to digest. Thus it leads to fermentation in the stomach and intestines, causing stomach bloating. That does not mean avoiding these. But it can be eaten as soon as the digestive system starts to function more actively.

The best alternative

Apples, garlic, pears, beans and peaches are easily digestible if taken with low levels of healthy fat and protein.

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