Shouldn’t the corona come? Then clean these 3 items daily without forgetting ...

Survival in the midst of a corona virus infection can be very difficult. But we cannot deny that this situation has taught us many good things like keeping our surroundings clean. When the corona virus started to spread we tried to keep everything clean from the corner accelerator of our house to the materials we use. We disinfected our hands frequently to avoid the risk of infection.

But over time most people have begun to take corona infection lightly. Thus corona cases are currently on the rise. Scientists are already predicting that the corona case will worsen in the winter. In this situation we need to take strict precautionary measures to avoid the risk of corona infection. We will now look at the products that must be cleaned daily to avoid the risk of corona infection.


The smartphone we use brings germs and bacteria into the home that can cause a variety of diseases. In fact, the mobile phone that we carry with us wherever we go is full of germs, including the worst E. coli, stapes and strep. According to a study, our cell phone contains 10 times more bacteria than the toilet seat.

How to clean?

Wipe with an alcohol-based disinfectant to remove germs on the mobile phone. By wiping the phone several times a day like this we can avoid corona germs approaching us.


Currently the mask has become one of the essential that we use everyday. This prevents bacteria and viruses from entering our respiratory tract. The mask we wear when we go out is exposed to dust and many other germs. If the mask is used without rinsing again when going out like this, the germs in it will easily enter the body and increase the risk of getting sick.

How to clean?

There are many types of masks. Studies also show that masks with valves are dangerous. So the cloth mask can be said to be the most safe mask. In addition, once the fabric mask is used, it can be rinsed in soapy water and then rinsed in hot water to kill all germs in the fabric mask.

Door handles

Door handles are the third most important item we need to clean daily. Door handles are something that touches several times a day. We can easily disinfect household handles on a daily basis. But if you go outside, be very careful when touching the door handles. Because germs are more likely to be in this place. So do not forget to disinfect your hands with sanitizer after touching anything.


The three given above are the most dangerous. Cleaning them at least 2-3 times a day can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. In fact, the corona virus can be spread more easily through these three than any other. So don’t forget to clean these daily.

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