How to do cooling breath or citali pranayama

In yoga, we talk a lot about triggering an internal fire. But suffocation can be used for the opposite effect: to calm and cool the body. While any long, slow, deep breathing can engage the parasympathetic nervous system and help combat the effects of stress, Chittali Pranayama is especially useful for body cooling and sweetening.

Although the exact origin of this technique is not known, it is popular in Kundalini yoga and yoga classes often appear in other genres during the summer months. Chittali is often prescribed to the people for the fiery bittu constitutions in Ayurvedic medicine.

To make Sitali breathe, you gently sip the air through a roaming dog (or pursuing those lips that genetically can't roll their tongues). At the end of an intense, sweaty yoga session, it’s all about coping with that internal heat and bringing your body into balance. On a hot day, it’s almost as if you are doing your own air conditioning. It is very subtle, so you can do it in a crowded subway car or elevator for a little relief from heat or anxiety without paying too much attention. You will be amazed at how cold and chilly you feel by the ten cycles of chitali breathing.


1. Sit cross-legged or in another comfortable position. Whatever your ears are, make sure your shoulders are relaxed away from your ears, your spine is long, your abdomen is soft and your chin is almost parallel to the floor.

2. Take two or three deep inhales through your nose and prepare for this pranayama practice.

3. Roll your tongue and let the sides tilt towards the center to form a tube (or a taco shape). Your pursuers stick to the end of the tongue between the lips. If you can’t pull your tongue out, simply squeeze your lips and create a small “O” shape in your mouth. In this case, you place your tongue against the back of your lower teeth so that the air you buy passes through it

4. Inhale slowly through the tube with your tongue as if you want to clear the air with a straw. Breathe in and spread your chest and fill your belly.

5. Close your mouth & exhale slow slow slowly through your nose.

Repeat at least ten to fiften times to maximize cooling effect. In Kundalini, it is recommended to do 26 rounds in the morning cycle and 26 in the evening. Give it a try if you have time!

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