Repeat the hand-built workout for tone and stability

Hand exercises are also part of the mat and equipment pilot exercises, which target the back of the hands. However, Pilates exercises should include hand work but not done that way.

If you learn to engage your hands, especially the back of the hand, you will get a hand workout during most exercises that you do not think of as hand exercises.

Also, it will create a lot more physical stamina for your workouts. It will open a whole new level of Pilates for you. Here is the basic implementation of the hand:

Repeat with your whole arm, especially the arm off

Use your hands if you put your exercise bag on the mat or workout and put your hands on your hips. They don’t lie there. how is it:

1. Feel the weight of your arms, shoulders, and hips.

2. Open your chest and let it be below your shoulders, away from your ears.

3. Get energy in your hands. Send your fingertips out and I will shoot your feet in the past on the outside of it.

4. Press your palms, the underside of the knees, and the back of your upper arms into the mat.

5. The spines of your handle slowly fall down.

6. Notice that all of these steps are attached from your core to your shoulders and into the core. This is not unique.

The Back of the Arm Workout

Now let's look at three Pilates Boy exercises such as examples of how to apply the weapon to exercises that do not "look" like hand exercises:

Waist Curl

Look at the picture above. Notice how weapons like ours work. She presses her hands to the back, her hands and wrists flat, joining her fingertips.

This is going to be a full body exercise for the hip curve, which is what we do in Pilates. And it provides a stable platform when it takes such moves to a challenging level. There would be an example called the shoulder bridge; So as to be pulled down on the host of the reformer and others. The more you get this policy, the more apps you see.


If you keep your chest wide and tap your hands again, jump on the mat and press your hands with the flat beads. The resistance of the press is to lift your hips and hold them with your hands and arms. Then, press the mat and hands again as you rotate down again. It stabilizes the roll position and makes it easier, safer and more efficient to run.

Once you have the idea of   activating this hand on the roll, Pilates Jack knife with other vertebral articulations like this.  Then, try exercises like reverse scissors and cycling. There, your elbows help support your hips, but when the upper arms are accelerated, the chest is opened and the hands are pressed against the back, giving you more strength and the base to stretch out firmly - taking the pressure off your back which is so important.

In the picture above are two, arms and shoulders for strength and stability “proven in short spine training on the reformer”.

Single leg circle

Examine yourself by engaging the back of your arms while doing exercises that deal with your upper body stability. Single Leg Circles are the first of those in the Classical Pilates Boy scene. We always learn stamina from foot to foot movements, but if you include the actions of your hands, you will be more firm and get more hand work. Then, you will be prepared for hard upper / lower body differentiation training like Kirksrive.

Full arm, core

We focus on the backs of the arms as people tend to accelerate the arms and support the front of the arms. Chicken wings and all that - then we get the leaky triceps. But now that you do the hand training again, you can use that feeling even when you press your hands into that flow. Many times people have found that connecting the back arm to the core was missing piece of exercises like side kick and side stretch knee, not to mention equipment exercises like reform ligament stretching, long back series, or something like that.

You have a full armor feeling about every pilot exercise, mat, and equipment. How to use this simple technique Open up the exercises where you can and wait until you see what the backs of your hands look like.

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