Tips for a healthy life


What is health? - Health is the normal state of the organism, when the structures of the organism and their functions correspond to each other and the regulatory systems of the organism are able to maintain the permanence of the internal environment of the organism or homeostasis.

 A healthy organism is characterized by such commandments as the norm, such as normal temperature, normal heartbeat, normal blood pressure, normal breathing, and so on.

The norm is the arithmetic mean derived from the values   that characterize a person under the same conditions. An organism whose vital signs are within the norm is considered healthy. The norm values, however, are closely related to environmental factors.

According to the World Health Organization, life expectancy and health depend 60% on lifestyle and nutrition, 15% on hereditary factors, 15% on the environment and only 10% on health.

What we need to be healthy? First of all we have to live a healthy life, live well and happily, try to spend more time in the fresh air. Exercising in the fresh air in the morning gives very good results, it not only for weight loss but also improves the general condition, relieves stress, is effective for blood circulation.

Sports have a great impact on health, no matter what kind of sport you prefer, the main thing is to find time in our lives for sports and exercise! Even 30 minutes a day ჯი Exercise is necessary for adults because they are in the process of growth and we should try as much as possible to grow up perfect and healthy.

If the area does not allow you to jog, and you do not have time for the gym, then boldly take the ladder in your hand and remember your childhood, jumping on the jump for 10 minutes a day will have a noticeable effect in a short period of time.

Food is also important for a healthy life. It will be good if you switch to ecologically clean food.

I recommend you to gradually eliminate fatty and caloric foods from your daily diet and try to eat mostly fruits and vegetables, I promise you will feel much better.

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