Tips for a healthy lifestyle

Em young, and living as long as possible is now everyone's dream ... But what path do we follow to be healthy?

It is now everyone's dream to live a life that is both young and as healthy as possible ... However, we hear and read new and even contradictory information on this subject day by day. But which one will we believe in and what path will we follow to be healthy? In order to answer this and many other questions, Cardiology Specialist Dr. We consulted with Özgür Şamilgil. See Dr. What did Şamilgil tell us ...

Could the outbreaks that occur with new viruses that are spreading and transforming today can increase in the future?

Viruses, one of the single-celled creatures, are the oldest living species in history. They are the creatures that can undergo the most frequent and easy transformation, are resistant to the most severe physical conditions, reproduce the fastest, survive with the least energy and have the most crowded population. We do everything that makes them easy to spread. The meats we eat are unhealthy. They are produced without sunlight (the immune system is very closely related to vitamin D synthesized by sunlight in the animal kingdom - including humans), under tight and unhygienic conditions such as a fish stack, artificial foods, their own animal wastes, by adding antibiotics to their food, and giving growth hormone to fatten them. People who consume this unhealthy product, which is no longer a meat product, are also susceptible to infections, cancer, rheumatic diseases and metabolic disorders as their immune system weakens.

Are new vaccines developed against modern age viruses?

We spend money and effort to develop the vaccine. Moreover, these vaccines are not so innocent; The debate continues that viral vaccines cause some neurological diseases. Antiviral drugs, on the other hand, shorten the duration of the flu by only 1-1.5 days, provided that they are used for 5 days, according to official information, and in 2007, 1800 reports were reported by the FDA (American Food and Drug Administration) regarding side effects, such as neuropsychiatric problems and brain infection in children.

The increase in cancer cannot be attributed to the increase in life span. This increase should be searched for other reasons. Increasing the use of clean water and the widespread use of hygienic conditions led to a decrease in infection rates, resulting in a decrease in infant and child mortality. Thus, the life span is prolonged. However, when we look at the statistics, we cannot say that there has been a great increase in life expectancy in the last century. The main thing that has changed in the last century is our diet, the diet and lifestyle we have changed. These external factors are the true cause of the vast majority of chronic germ-free inflammatory diseases of our age, such as cardiovascular, rheumatic, neurological, hormonal, psychiatric, and cancer. Man is always fighting against nature. Not only humans but also animals suffer from cancer due to various reasons such as environmental pollution, radiation, chemicals, ready-to-eat foods and many of them die because of this.

How conscious are we about fat consumption?

Fats have many beneficial functions such as forming the structure of the cell membrane, providing the production of vitamins, producing hormones and bile acids and beneficial chemicals, and providing energy to the body. When consuming fat, it is important to reduce the consumption of oils rich in omega 6 and to increase the consumption of oils rich in Omega. Some chemical substances of omega 6 origin create inflammation in the body, cause spasm in the blood vessels, increase the tendency to clot in the blood and accelerate cell division, ie aging. Some chemical substances prevent inflammation, dilate the blood vessels, dilute the blood, reduce pain and slow down aging. Omega 6 ratio in our diet has increased in the last century, while the Omega 3 ratio has decreased dramatically. Why? Fish, olive oil, natural grazing animals fed their meat rich in Omega 3. and the dark green leaves of the fat, red meat and eggs of chickens replace the consumption of vegetables; Fat, red meat and eggs of animals fed in bad environments with artificial feeds containing Omega 6, foods with high carbohydrates, refinemented (processed) foods containing flavor enhancing additives took.

What should we pay attention to most while feeding?

It would be appropriate to stay away from processed foods and rapidly absorbed sugar as much as possible and to get the necessary vitamin support. As with milk powder, egg powder, and many processed foods, cholesterol processed at high temperatures can oxidize and damage it. It makes sense to consume foods of vitamin C and E along with animal foods that contain healthy saturated fatty acids (cholesterol). Since vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, it cannot be stored in our body. If not used, it is thrown away immediately, so we need to consume it frequently and in large quantities, especially with foods. Vitamin C deficiency accelerates aging. Vitamin B 12, which is essential for the brain, nervous system and blood cells, is also essential for the body. Eating less meat can lead to deficiencies in vitamin B12, carnitine, coenzyme Q10, alpha-lipoic acid and some essential amino acids. These deficiencies damage the heart like other organs. Mankind's acquaintance with simple (rapidly absorbed) sugar, which forms its body with meat (protein) and vegetables (combined carbohydrate), dates back 200 years ago. Table, cut, powdered hard candy, Turkish delight, jam, biscuits, wafers, chocolate, cakes, sugared drinks, all dough and milk desserts contain simple sugar. Our bodies have absolutely no need for simple sugar. Simple sugar consumption is one of the important factors in the development of diseases.


Dr. Florence Nightingole Hospital experts. Özgür Şamilgil also describes the measures we can take to protect ourselves from the diseases of the modern age:

• Consume natural foods; These can be listed as unadulterated, raw or undercooked meat and by-products of free-fed animals, organic agricultural products.

• Take B complex vitamins, minerals (Selenium, magnesium etc.) Antioxidants (flavonoids, beta-carotene, C vit.). If you pay attention to the consumption of foods raw or undercooked, they will not lose their protective properties. It is known that consumption as a tablet does not have the same effect. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, nuts and fruits with low sugar.

• Have a healthy sunbath. Vitamin D is indispensable not only for our bones but also for our immune system health and our hormones.

• Exercise is of great importance for a healthy life: Sports, the strongest vasodilator, increases the production of the antioxidant nltrite oxide by cells in the vascular wall. It is necessary to exercise like an imitation of the movements of our ancestors when they were prey, but without exaggeration, in a manner that stretches the muscle mass and puts a light load on the muscles.

• Vitamin-like substances (coenzyme Q10, carnitine etc.) already have the highest level in red meat and offal. For this, the meat and fat of naturally fed animals such as goats and lambs or animals such as cattle and chickens that are fed freely in the pasture should be consumed.

• Overcome insulin resistance by avoiding flour and sugar (potatoes, rice, etc.).

• Avoid environmental poisons and smoking.

• Consume foods rich in fermented beneficial bacteria such as yoghurt, vinegar, pickles.

• Get adequate sleep.

• Participate in social activities, get hobbies, spend time to have fun, these will have benefits that have a meditation effect.

• If you drink alcohol, do not overdo it.

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