Wake up early and fix your bed?

Perhaps, everyone has asked themselves this question at one time or another. But for some reason I feel like I've done that more often. Try to find out how to wake up, enjoy and maintain this energy throughout the day.

So, the first thing that comes to mind is a cup of coffee. But it should be remembered that only fresh coffee is really stimulating, and instant coffee, which everyone uses to drink, is only strong. If you don't have the energy or desire to make coffee for yourself every morning, don't despair. Just replace it with a cup of cold tea and lemon. I'll be honest with you, green tea has a lot of antioxidants, so it's easier to lift your spirits and wake you up. If you suddenly run out of green tea in your house, it's okay. Drink a glass of water or water. Alcohol "awakens" music, and all life.

Next clue: shower. Don't get too hot, otherwise the skin will dry out and you will be very sleepy. Let the rain be cool. This is the only way he can wake up your mind and stop the nerves. It is better to use shower gel and perfumes. For example: citrus fruits. They can fill your day with bright aromas and good morning memories. For example, in Germany, they have created a rain bottle with caffeine and touring, which implements two coffee beans.

Movement is life. So, if you want to be strong until the evening, do a little exercise or massage in the morning. Apply on your feet, ears, cheeks, and neck. This gets the blood flowing, so you wake up. And if you have a loved one by your side who can help you with this, please thank him very much.

Another way to enjoy the morning is simply to prepare for the day ahead in the evening. It may seem like a difficult and unpleasant task at first, but later it will become your favorite. Pack what you will wear tomorrow, pack your bag. In the end, in the morning you will have fewer reasons to be sad and anxious, and in addition, you will have another minute to sleep.

There is another way - do not close the window and curtains. Allow your morning to slowly enter your room. Therefore, it becomes easier for the body to wake up. Scientists say that melatonin slows down. Melatonin, they believe, is the cause of our sleep

After all, the most effective way to be happy is to sleep! If you have an extra minute during your lunch break, take a nap. And start working with renewable energy, and renewable energy! For example, in Japan, large companies have long shared private rooms where employees can rest, rest and sleep for 45 minutes. Also, the chair vibrates, which means that the person is not shocked, he works hard.

But Tupelo Cavaliers (Italian manufacturer) came up with an alarm clock to wake you up with delicious aromas: freshly baked bread, for example. Great, isn't it?

These tips will help you have a good day, be happy, and be in a good mood until the evening. Have fun!

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