Psychological problems while losing weight


How is it that some people go on a diet overnight and successively see the effects, while others struggle to lose every kilogram? Man is a complicated "machine". If one part fails, it affects how the entire body functions. When losing weight, you cannot focus only on nutrition, but also on changing your entire lifestyle. It is not only physical health that is important, but also mental health.

Psychological problems with weight loss

There are many psychological aspects that affect the end result of the goals you pursue, in this case weight loss. If you hit a psychological barrier, even the best diet will not help you achieve your dream figure. What problems can you encounter?

Low self-efficacy

Failure or the yo-yo effect of repeated attempts to achieve the goal of weight loss can result in low self-efficacy. Lack of faith in achieving the intended goal may translate into other spheres of life. In such a situation, you should consider whether the intended goal is adjusted to our capabilities and focus on your strengths. It may be helpful to list the things or skills that we have and that will reassure us that we are able to implement our plan.

Low self-esteem

Not only the lack of faith in the possibility of achieving the goal, but also low self-esteem can hinder weight loss. People who struggle with excess body weight for a long time may have low self-esteem and worse well-being. Repeated attempts, additionally lack of support and understanding on the part of loved ones, and comparing oneself with others may aggravate this state. Dissatisfaction with oneself often affects the weakening of emotional control and the emergence of emotional nutrition - eating under the influence of emotions, stress. Following the next diet will not work unless you work on improving your self-esteem.

External Location of Control

The best results in achieving your dream figure are when we are determined and ready for changes. In a situation where someone is not convinced or is forced to do so, it will be difficult to achieve the intended goal. Some people look for the reasons of their excess body weight that cannot be influenced by force - "thick bones", "it's because of genes". This may be because you are unaware of the real reasons or unwilling to accept them.

Eating under stress

Stress is hard to avoid these days. Some people lose their appetite due to constant tension and their body weight decreases. Others, on the contrary, eat too much. A particular problem is snacking in the evening, when emotions subside after the whole day. We try to compensate for difficult situations in life with food. Doing so can lead to the development of "false hunger". Over time, it is difficult to distinguish it from physiological starvation. Even the process of losing weight is a lot of stress for the body. Suddenly you have to change your lifestyle, often by 180 degrees. In such a situation, you need to find a way to relax or calm down. A good method is regular physical activity, such as walking at a faster pace. It is also worth thinking about the appropriate length of sleep so that our body can regenerate.

External motivation

In order to implement the assumed plan, you need motivation. There is nothing wrong with external motivation - some say, "the doctor said I need to lose weight", "I want to lose weight for my partner." However, this may not be enough. That is why it is worth looking for intrinsic motivation and answer the question: "what benefits will I get from this?".

Perceive diet only in terms of sacrifice

Dietary trends are changing, but many people still believe that losing weight is associated with constant sacrifice, eating things that you don't like. This is the wrong approach. Meals can also be tasty, colorful, healthy and even contain your favorite foods.

Thinking in terms of "all or nothing"

Some people follow the "all or nothing" principle. They are strict on their diet. If for any reason they deviate from the plan, albeit small, they will cease to pursue the goal further. They believe that once they have succumbed to temptation, there is no point in following the diet any longer. This is the wrong approach. It is enough then to have a plan B - go for a walk at a faster pace or take up other physical activity.

How to prepare for weight loss?

Above all, you should be convinced that you are ready for change. If you are not sure about it, it is best to write down what you will gain and what you will lose if you undertake the "challenge". It is important to set a goal that should be specific, measurable, attractive, realistic and on time.

Consider whether we have the right tools to achieve the goal, including knowledge. Using the mass media, you can learn how to eat properly - it is best to use the Pyramid of Healthy Eating and Physical Activity of the Food and Nutrition Institute. However, if a quantitative and qualitative modification is planned, it is best to consult a specialist - dietitian. Miracle diets are not good and can do a lot of damage, especially if someone is chronically ill. In addition, it is worth checking your health condition, whether nothing will prevent or hinder the achievement of your goal.

Losing weight is a long and difficult process. It's good to have the support of your loved ones. We can also motivate ourselves by rewarding our efforts, e.g. by visiting a beautician. It is also worth thinking about losing weight together, because in a group it is easier to support each other. The slimming process is influenced by many factors - lifestyle, physical and mental health. A miracle diet alone is not enough, and with the current fashion of being fit, it is easy to get lost in the prevailing trends. So let's be well prepared to change your diet and lifestyle. Then the effects will be satisfactory and long-lasting.

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