Diabetes Precautions


1. PHYSICAL PRECAUTIONS- If examining the beard, be very careful to leave the beard down so as not to cut yourself, If you wear shoes, wear wide shoes or one more number than you already wear, If you walk, wear bare feet and shoes that reveal your feet. Avoid aching, If they wash their feet, rinse them with lukewarm water, they should check their feet from time to time for sores.

If they get a wound on their leg for any reason, they have to go to the hospital because it takes a long time to heal on their own like others.

2. MEDICATION- If we take our prescription medications properly, it will prevent the glucose from rising too high in our body and prevent the problems caused by the disease to the heart, liver and other organs.

3. FOOD- Things with sugar content such as tea, sweet soft drinks, etc. We should refrain from it. Unsweetened Vegetables and Fruits are sliced ​​thoroughly. (Here is where sometimes people think that eating too much sugar causes diabetes. But since we have diabetes, we should not eat it.)

Avoid eating foods high in fat and butter. This is because the food itself causes problems in our organs like heart and blood vessels and it is worse in those who have this disease.

If your blood sugar drops for any reason, you should take a small amount of sugar immediately if you experience symptoms such as sweating, fatigue, heart palpitations, and loss of consciousness. Such as a candy, But as soon as the sign is corrected, we must stop. If it happens again and again, maybe the dose of medicine we are taking is too high and we need to go to the clinic to get it fixed.

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