Eliminate the smell of the kitchen well with a homemade mixture

 How to eliminate the bad smell of the kitchen well?

The only thing that can make even the cleanest kitchens unbearable is the smell of the well. In the following, we will introduce you a simple method to eliminate the bad smell of the well, which uses completely natural materials.

Materials needed to eliminate the bad smell of the well

1- ¾ cup of baking soda

2- ½ cup of white vinegar

3- old handkerchief

4- Boiling water

5- Ice

6- Lemon slices

Training to eliminate the bad smell of the well

1- Pour ¾ cup of baking soda into the well.

2- Pour ½ cup of white vinegar into the well. The combination of vinegar and baking soda creates a chemical reaction and dissolves the accumulated residue.

3- Close the lid of the well with an old napkin and let the chemical combination of vinegar and baking soda take effect for half an hour.

4- After half an hour, remove the napkin and pour boiling water to remove all the waste from the well.

5- Pour the ice into the well and turn on the garbage disposal. Crushing the ice loosens the residue.

6- Put the lemon slices into the well and turn on the garbage disposal once again so that the pleasant smell of lemon comes out of the well.

7- Finally, clean the area around the well with a tissue. With this method, no unpleasant smell will come out of your kitchen.

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