Excessive thinness and lack of weight can be a big problem

In addition to appearance problems, underweight and excessive thinness can cause weakness in the immune system, osteoporosis, decreased energy, weakness and fatigue. If you also complain about your lack of weight and no matter how much you eat different foods, your weight does not increase; Weight gain diet is right for you

Eating too much to fight weight loss? no no no!

Contrary to popular belief, eating too much or using high-calorie foods will not increase weight and fitness for many, or in the best case, your thinness problem will turn into obesity problem. To achieve the ideal weight, you must follow a correct program. A program that suits your genetic and hormonal characteristics.

Exercise is not just for losing weight

A point that is mostly ignored is the role of exercise in gaining weight and gaining the desired weight. Aerobic exercises cause weight loss, but strength exercises such as working with machines and lifting weights cause an increase in muscle volume and a fundamental increase in weight.

Nutrition and sport; Two main bases

The point to pay attention to is nutrition before and after exercise. In the hours before and after exercise, you should use proteins and some special food groups, because an hour after exercise is the best time to absorb nutrients, so it is called the golden hour.

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