What is the diabetes diet?

Today, many people are struggling with sugar and diabetes problems. In general, there are 4 types of blood sugar problems: insulin-dependent diabetes, which occurs mostly at young ages, and non-insulin-dependent diabetes, which occurs at an older age. The complications of obesity and overweight and a sedentary life are gestational diabetes and glucose imbalance, which occurs in both obese and non-obese people.

Is having a diet useful for diabetes?

Contrary to popular belief, type 2 or non-insulin-dependent diabetes is not less dangerous than type 1 or insulin-dependent diabetes, and both types of diabetes will cause irreparable damage to the heart, kidneys, and eyes if not treated. The health of the feet should be given a lot of attention in the treatment of diabetes, having a proper diet and doing aerobic exercise such as walking is the first word. proper food and exercise, and in diabetic diets, it is very important to observe this important principle, the number of meals in small amounts

The diet should be basic

In https://dkhealthline.blogspot.com/, special diets for diabetic patients are presented based on weight, height, sex, and age, based on the principle of movement and considering the family table.

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