How to improve Will Power: 5 Steps to change your habits

Let's suppose that you want to do physical exercise, but you always think that there is something that stops you from doing it. 

Would you like to start doing sports at once? 

We explain how, but first we are going to investigate a little how to change a habit. 

There are 3 steps to achieving goal:

1- First you have to establish the motivation for the change and set a clear goal.

2- You must study your behavior with respect to this goal.

3- The third component is willpower. The goal doesn't matter. It can be physical exercise, quitting smoking, losing weight, studying more or spending less time on the computer, willpower is an essential element.

Both point one and two are clear, but what is willpower? Here are some definitions:

- The ability to control an unwanted thought, feeling or impulse.

- The ability to employ a "cool" behavioral cognitive system rather than a "hot" emotional system.

- A conscious and effortful regulation of being by being.

- A limited resource capable of being diminished.

Therefore, to fight against unwanted temptations, we are going to work to improve our willpower. Here are 5 steps:

1. Have A Plan

Write a plan and do not deviate from it. For example, maybe you want to do physical exercise three times a week, so decide which days you are going to dedicate to it.

2. Sleeping Well Is Basic

Sleep well, otherwise your brain will tire more quickly and won't be able to resist the temptation to do nothing.

3. Meditation

Sometimes meditation or deep thinking helps. Always remember the benefits you are going to receive, if necessary make a list of them, and also keep a diary with all the achievements and physical activity you have done. Almost all Smartphones have Apps that you can use during exercise that gives you all the relevant information.

4. Eat Well

You must eat well, foods that provide you with the necessary energy and are not difficult to digest. If you eat heavy food before the activity, it will be almost impossible to start even hours later.

5. Fight Temptations

Understand and know the temptations you are going to face. Make a list and think of a strategy to combat them. For example maybe there is a TV show you want to watch. Just tell yourself that you can always watch it later. When you want to lie on the couch, make a list of the benefits of your activity and another against the activity. Surely the list of benefits is longer than the list of drawbacks.

The good news is when you get a rhythm or regularity it becomes a lot easier. Also the shower after an energetic activity is one of the best sensations that you can enjoy. Cheer up!

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