Infections in pregnancy that may affect your baby?

Treatment of infection in pregnancy

Infections during pregnancy and how they affect the baby

The probability of infection during pregnancy is high, so you should immediately go to the doctor for treatment. Self-treatment of infection during pregnancy, especially vaginal infection, should be avoided. Infection during pregnancy, if treated in the early stages, usually does not cause any problems for the fetus.

What are the complications of infection in pregnancy?

Is infection dangerous during pregnancy? Infection in pregnancy is very common and if the pregnancy infection is treated in time and quickly, it is not dangerous for you.

In the past, the main cause of death of mothers and babies was bacterial infections, but today, despite various treatments, the probability of death is very low, however, if you do not take prompt treatment of infection during pregnancy, maternal infection or colonization may occur. They with microorganisms in pregnancy lead to serious problems for mother and baby.

Today, pregnant women are usually under the supervision of gynecologists and obstetricians so that they do not have any serious problems. If you want to know the symptoms of infection in pregnancy, come with us.

A pregnant mother is usually worried about the health of the fetus in addition to her own health, especially in the case that the mother gets involved with an infection, but you must be careful that in most cases the fetus is not harmed by the mother's infection, except in very rare cases when the infection is through the placenta or during birth. transferred to the fetus, which has serious consequences for the health of the baby. The best thing to do for your peace of mind is to prevent infection.

The prevalence of infection is higher in pregnant women who do not have good social and economic conditions, and there are more consequences in these people, organisms such as viruses, fungi and protozoa lead to the occurrence of severe diseases in pregnancy.

In today's era, there is an epidemic of HIV infection in developing countries, which is one of the causes of infant and maternal mortality.

Prevention of infection in pregnancy

Although it is not possible to avoid all infections during pregnancy, but you can minimize the possibility of infection during pregnancy with certain measures, for example:

• With a simple blood test, you can find out whether your body is immune to rubella and chicken pox or not.

• With the test, you can determine the infections that you have but are unaware of. including urinary tract infection, group B streptococcus, HIV and hepatitis B.

• Washing hands before consuming food

• Not using other people's glasses and dishes

• Keeping distance from sick people

• Healthy sex with full compliance with hygiene

• Not having sex with an unsafe sexual partner

• Avoid eating inappropriate food and overeating

• Thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables

• Consumption of fully cooked meat and eggs

What are the symptoms of infection in pregnancy?

How is the infection in pregnancy? Pregnancy infection can be of different types, each of which has its own symptoms.

Vaginal infection in pregnancy

Infection in pregnancy may involve the vagina, which can be dangerous if left untreated.

Vaginal yeast infection in pregnancy: Vaginal yeast infection is caused by the reproduction and growth of Candida fungus. Some changes such as a decrease in the immune system, an increase in glycogen or an increase in estrogen can lead to this problem.

According to the studies conducted, 20% of women get yeast infection, which increases the probability of contracting it during pregnancy.

Symptoms of vaginal yeast infection in pregnancy

If you have a yeast infection during pregnancy, you may experience one or more symptoms.

Rash and itching

Thick and white secretions

Cheesy secretions

unpleasant smell

Pain or burning sensation

Feeling pain and burning during sex

The possibility of confusing this infection with a bacterial infection and chlamydia is high, so avoid self-medication in separate pregnancy and see the doctor immediately when you see the smallest symptoms so that the fetus is not harmed.

Symptoms of vaginal bacterial infection in pregnancy

Vaginal bacterial infection in pregnancy may be accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms:

Itching, pain or burning sensation

unpleasant smell

A lot of white discharge

Bacterial infection is easily treatable and is not dangerous if you see a doctor immediately.

Uterine infection in pregnancy

Primary untreated infections in the vagina may spread to the uterus and become dangerous for the mother and the fetus. Of course, in case of timely treatment, the risk for you and your fetus will be eliminated.

Uterine infection, if left untreated, may cause fetal abnormalities or premature birth.

If the infection is acute, there is a high probability that the doctor will ask for premature delivery. In other cases, treatment with antibiotics is done at home or in the hospital.

Infections in pregnancy that may affect your baby?

The probability of infection during pregnancy is high, so you should immediately go to the doctor for treatment. Self-treatment of infection during pregnancy, especially vaginal infection, should be avoided. Infection during pregnancy, if treated in the early stages, usually does not cause any problems for the fetus.

What are the complications of infection in pregnancy?

Is infection dangerous during pregnancy? Infection in pregnancy is very common and if the pregnancy infection is treated in time and quickly, it is not dangerous for you.

In the past, the main cause of death of mothers and babies was bacterial infections, but today, despite various treatments, the probability of death is very low, however, if you do not take prompt treatment of infection during pregnancy, maternal infection or colonization may occur. They with microorganisms in pregnancy lead to serious problems for mother and baby.

Today, pregnant women are usually under the supervision of gynecologists and obstetricians so that they do not have any serious problems. If you want to know the symptoms of infection in pregnancy, come with us.

A pregnant mother is usually worried about the health of the fetus in addition to her own health, especially in the case that the mother gets involved with an infection, but you must be careful that in most cases the fetus is not harmed by the mother's infection, except in very rare cases when the infection is through the placenta or during birth. transferred to the fetus, which has serious consequences for the health of the baby. The best thing to do for your peace of mind is to prevent infection.

The prevalence of infection is higher in pregnant women who do not have good social and economic conditions, and there are more consequences in these people, organisms such as viruses, fungi and protozoa lead to the occurrence of severe diseases in pregnancy.

In today's era, there is an epidemic of HIV infection in developing countries, which is one of the causes of infant and maternal mortality.

Prevention of infection in pregnancy

Although it is not possible to avoid all infections during pregnancy, but you can minimize the possibility of infection during pregnancy with certain measures, for example:

• With a simple blood test, you can find out whether your body is immune to rubella and chicken pox or not.

• With the test, you can determine the infections that you have but are unaware of. including urinary tract infection, group B streptococcus, HIV and hepatitis B.

• Washing hands before consuming food

• Not using other people's glasses and dishes

• Keeping distance from sick people

• Healthy sex with full compliance with hygiene

• Not having sex with an unsafe sexual partner

• Avoid eating inappropriate food and overeating

• Thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables

• Consumption of fully cooked meat and eggs

What are the symptoms of infection in pregnancy?

How is the infection in pregnancy? Pregnancy infection can be of different types, each of which has its own symptoms. Types of infection in Bardai are:

Vaginal infection in pregnancy

Infection in pregnancy may involve the vagina, which can be dangerous if left untreated.

Vaginal yeast infection in pregnancy: Vaginal yeast infection is caused by the reproduction and growth of Candida fungus. Some changes such as a decrease in the immune system, an increase in glycogen or an increase in estrogen can lead to this problem.

According to the studies conducted, 20% of women get yeast infection, which increases the probability of contracting it during pregnancy.

Symptoms of vaginal yeast infection in pregnancy

If you have a yeast infection during pregnancy, you may experience one or more symptoms.

Rash and itching

Thick and white secretions

Cheesy secretions

unpleasant smell

Pain or burning sensation

Feeling pain and burning during sex

The possibility of confusing this infection with a bacterial infection and chlamydia is high, so avoid self-medication in separate pregnancy and see the doctor immediately when you see the smallest symptoms so that the fetus is not harmed.

Symptoms of vaginal bacterial infection in pregnancy

Vaginal bacterial infection in pregnancy may be accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms:

Itching, pain or burning sensation

unpleasant smell

A lot of white discharge

Bacterial infection is easily treatable and is not dangerous if you see a doctor immediately.

Uterine font during pregnancy

Is infection dangerous during pregnancy?

Infection is one of the common complications of pregnancy, and if it is treated on time, it is not dangerous for the mother and fetus, but in rare cases and if neglected, it may lead to the following problems:

The damage of the infection to the mother makes the baby unable to get the nutrients it needs from the mother.

If the infection progresses, the drugs that the mother needs to use will harm the baby.

In some cases, infection can directly affect the baby and lead to genetic abnormalities.

Infection may lead to premature labor and miscarriage.

Possible rare risks of various types of pregnancy infection for the fetus include:

Bacterial infection = preterm labor

Infection with herpes zoster, hepatitis, syphilis and AIDS = the possibility of transferring the virus to the fetus

Chlamydia = pneumonia and fetal eye infection

Gonorrhea = fetal eye infection and possible blindness, premature delivery

Group B Streptococcus = miscarriage and malformation

Cytomegalovirus = mental retardation and abnormality

Toxoplasmosis = mental disability and abnormality

Listeria = miscarriage and malformation

Zika = abortion and malformation

By treating the infection as soon as possible, you can prevent possible rare complications and health risks for the fetus.

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