Reasons for failure in marriage or married life

Reasons for failure in marriage

Unfortunately, in most cases, a person's idea of ​​the "wife of dreams" is so romantic that one cannot find someone with all the characteristics that he has created in his mind, and shortly after marriage, he "discovers" who he is married to, so research shows. that people should control their dreams and try to fall in love with a real and existing person, not an imaginary person who is in line with their dreams.

Failure In Marriage

Marriage is an important thing for the development of men and women in terms of intellectual and mental, emotional, sexual, etc., and this act also brings the survival of the human race. But if we take a look around us, we will see that Many couples have not only not developed their personality, but are also dissatisfied with their marriage. The reason for this dissatisfaction may be emotional, intellectual and intellectual issues, sexual, etc., which we will discuss further.

Emotional Failure

 It is obvious that usually a woman is more affected by the lack of affection than a man, and of course men also have emotional needs according to themselves, but it is obvious that a woman needs this issue more, for example, when a man is looking for an excuse to compliment his wife and Because of anything like; His appearance, his words, his look, his cooking skills, his behavior, etc., compliment him. In fact, he has made her fascinated. But men are different, men should not be controlled too much, the constant control of a man makes him angry and angry. Creating differences in marital relationships leads to the fall of the relationship...

Mental and intellectual failure

According to research, another reason for failure in marriage may be the mentality of a person before and after marriage with his life partner. Unfortunately, in most cases, a person's idea of ​​the "wife of dreams" is so romantic that one cannot find someone with all the characteristics that he has created in his mind, and shortly after marriage, he "discovers" who he is married to, so research shows. that people should control their dreams and try to fall in love with a real and existing person, not an imaginary person who is in line with their dreams.

Sexual Failure

But leaving aside the emotional and mental issues, according to statistics, it can be said that a large number of couples have failed in their marriage due to sexual problems, because both parties are involved in sexual issues. It leads both sides to betrayal. In the following, explanations and examples are provided for a better understanding of the matter.

Why Betrayal?

For example, one of the reasons for coldness in sexual relations is that people do not put aside shame and modesty in relation to their spouses and think that if they express their sexual need, they will be rejected, whereas on the contrary, your spouse will be rejected because of the lack of pleasure and sexual failure. It gets colder, now this same person may enjoy a lot in extramarital relationship, the reason is that he does not see a future for his relationship outside his family, so he enjoys and enjoys recklessly.

Sacrifice at what price?

Also, one of the parties may lie for the happiness of the other party, for example, many cases have been observed in which some women may pretend to orgasm and end the relationship after satisfying the man just to make their husband happy. If this procedure happens many times, it causes the woman's permanent failure and leads to sexual coldness. If you don't reach orgasm, don't lie, if you don't enjoy the relationship with your spouse, tell him so that he knows, he will definitely understand you, lying in marital and sexual relationship means sexual and emotional divorce...

It should also be said that the idea that having sex is a man's right and a woman has no right to have intercourse causes the failure of the marital relationship, the sexual relationship should be two-way and the one-way assignments disrupt the sexual relationship between a man and a woman.

Even watching porn movies can be seen as one of the reasons for the failure of both parties in their relationship. In fact, naive men and women who hope that by watching pornographic movies full of sexual deviations and moral degradation, they will learn the "art of hugs and skills" "Achieving intercourse", they are just like the ignorant fools who are in the swamp's dirty water, looking to catch the fresh and cheerful trout.

The effect of failure in the marital relationship on the parties


One of the most common effects and consequences of failure in marriage and sexual and emotional relationships is infidelity. One of the problems that occurs after the dissolution of extramarital relationships is comparing oneself with the third person in the relationship. Did you?!! There is no doubt that both parties participate in the formation of a 3-person relationship, and your share in this betrayal can be 50% or less, and the biggest share is usually attributed to ineffective communication and lack of attention to the marital relationship in the couple. So if you are still in a relationship The third one did not come, but that relationship has cooled, the garden of the relationship must be watered and taken care of. The third side of this relationship is not always personal; sometimes it can be work, sometimes Instagram, sometimes children, sometimes Telegram, etc., in fact, it should be said: the garden of a relationship needs constant care...


But one of the worst consequences of failure in a marital relationship is the masturbation of one of the parties. Usually, in this discussion, women are the ones who talk more.

1. Premature ejaculation: when a man penetrates without enough flirting and without making the woman orgasm and ejaculates quickly; Repeating this event leads to failure of the woman.

2. Lack of familiarity with the sensitive parts of a woman's body: one of the other reasons for a woman's failure in sexual relations is the man's lack of proper understanding of the anatomy of the woman's body. done does not take So it is better for a man to get acquainted with the anatomy and methods of arousal of a woman and ask his wife about it.

3. Man's rush to reach the end point: Women need more time to fill up before they can empty. Women love extra time in flirting.


There are many solutions to prevent the mentioned problems, some of which have been mentioned above. However, researchers recommend that women use bright colors and so-called "screaming" during intercourse, red colors and the like increase A woman's sexual attractiveness, red color strongly stimulates the emotions of humans and some animals. And it is also better for a man to let his wife rest or sleep in his arms for a few minutes after intercourse. In addition to creating a sense of relaxation, this also enhances the pleasure of orgasm.

With successful sex, marital life is charged, and coldness and soullessness will not enter it! Successful sex between couples increases their motivation and commitment towards each other.

Do not underestimate its importance in your happiness.

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