The right diet for the ninth month of pregnancy

As you know, pregnancy is a time when the mother should keep calm and enjoy these few months. Every pregnant mother can relax and take time for herself before the birth of her baby! Of course, the ninth month of women's pregnancy also brings many challenges. Since during this period, the pregnant mother feels very heavy, she is completely uncomfortable and experiences special emotions. But the anticipation of holding a healthy baby in the near future will make it very easy for the pregnant person to bear all these problems! After that, enjoy the excitement of different stages of your pregnancy and turn this period into unforgettable days of your and your child's life.

To know what to eat in the ninth month of pregnancy, read this article on what to eat in the ninth month of pregnancy

What happens in the body of a pregnant woman in the ninth month of pregnancy?

 Remember that at this stage of pregnancy, the growth of the baby inside the mother's womb is almost complete and his weight increases rapidly. But do not forget that the baby's brain and lungs, in order to mature, must continue to grow until birth. However, if a pregnant woman wants, she can still enjoy the last month of her pregnancy, but it is very important to follow simple tips during the last days of pregnancy. A mother must be very careful about the way she consumes different foods, as her digestive system is under severe pressure due to the rapid weight gain of the baby. For this reason, using a balanced and nutritious diet can help the mother in the last months of pregnancy. In the continuation of this article, a list of suitable foods for the diet of women in the ninth month of pregnancy is presented, which are as follows:

1- Vegetable seeds and whole meal breads: 6 to 11 servings during the day

2- All kinds of fresh fruits: 2 to 4 servings a day

3- Fresh vegetables: more than 4 servings a day

4- Dairy products: 4 servings a day

5- Foods rich in protein: 3 servings a day

6- Different liquids for hydration of the mother's body during pregnancy: at least 2 liters of pure water every day

Types of food that you should consume in the ninth month of your pregnancy:

 If the expectant mother consumes healthy and nutritious foods during her pregnancy, all her doubts about the healthy process of pregnancy will disappear and the health of the mother and the baby inside her womb will be completely guaranteed. In fact, when a pregnant person eats a balanced diet, discomforts such as constipation and heartburn will disappear in her body, and this, in turn, will help to improve the growth process and maintain the health of the child. Also, this work allows the mother to give birth to a healthy child and not suffer any complications. The items presented in the following article will help mothers to have a balanced diet. These include:

A pregnant mother should include fiber foods including fresh vegetables and fruits, breads made with wholemeal flour, cereals and dates in her diet more than before.

Also, consuming iron-rich foods such as fish, chicken, egg yolks, broccoli, lentils, peas, spinach, berries, soybeans and dried fruits such as prunes and raisins at least three times a day can meet the needs of the pregnant mother's body. provide the nutrient iron.

In addition to these cases, since the control of cholesterol in the blood of pregnant women is very important, consuming foods with high calcium will help these people a lot. For this reason, adding calcium-rich foods such as vegetables, dairy products, oatmeal, almonds and sesame seeds in the diet of pregnant women is recommended.

It is important to know that consuming foods rich in vitamin C is also very important during the ninth month of pregnancy. In fact, these people can easily meet their body's needs by eating a lot of citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, broccoli and cauliflower.

To prevent birth defects such as spine bifida, consuming foods rich in folic acid is also very important. For this, it is enough for a pregnant woman to include green leafy vegetables and legumes such as beans, peas and cowpeas in her daily diet.

Finally, remember that including different foods such as spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes and other sources rich in vitamin A in the daily diet of women at different stages of pregnancy is of particular importance, because it ensures the health of the mother and the baby in her womb. will do

To know what not to eat in the ninth month of pregnancy, read this article What you should not eat in the ninth month of pregnancy

Foods that a pregnant mother should exclude from her daily schedule in the ninth month of pregnancy:

 Remember that there are various foods that the mother should avoid in the ninth month of her pregnancy. The mother's diet in the ninth month of pregnancy is very important; He should be very careful in consuming food. In the continuation of this article, the foods that the mother should definitely avoid in the last month of her pregnancy have been introduced for you, which are:

Foods containing caffeine: Pregnant women should avoid all foods that contain caffeine. However, if you, as a pregnant woman, cannot avoid consuming these types of foods, it is better not to exceed 200 mg per day of these types of drinks in any form. Also, the consumption of chocolates that contain caffeine should be limited in the ninth month of pregnancy.

Alcohol: Widespread alcohol consumption during pregnancy is dangerous because it can cause mental retardation, premature birth, and a wide range of birth defects in babies. For this reason, it is very, very important that the mother completely avoids alcohol consumption during her pregnancy.

Saccharin: This substance is an artificial sweetener that should be removed from the diet of women during pregnancy. On the other hand, every pregnant mother can provide the sugar needed by her body and her baby by consuming fresh fruits and homemade candies.

Soft cheeses: These types of cheeses are not suitable for women to consume during pregnancy, because they are usually not pasteurized and their consumption can lead to infection in the digestive system and different parts of the body of pregnant women. Therefore, avoid these types of cheeses as much as possible.

Raw seafood: It is very important that women avoid sushi during pregnancy (because most of them are prepared with raw fish, which is considered as the main ingredient of this food). Also, consumption of other raw seafood such as oysters is also very harmful for the health of pregnant mothers and babies in the womb of these people.

Tobacco use: It is necessary to know that the use of any kind of tobacco during pregnancy is dangerous for women. Therefore, if you smoke or use tobacco as a pregnant woman, it is important to stop using these substances in the ninth month of your pregnancy. Remember that if a mother consumes tobacco during her pregnancy, her child's growth is delayed and this condition can severely damage the health of the fetus.

To find out whether it is harmful to consume turnips during pregnancy or not, this article is: Is it harmful to eat turnips during pregnancy? read the

Supplements that you should take in the ninth month of your pregnancy:

If pregnant women use a healthy and balanced diet during the nine months of their pregnancy, they will easily meet all the nutritional needs of their bodies. But if the pregnant mother's body cannot get enough nutrients from the daily diet, it is better for her to talk to a gynecologist and obstetrician about taking different supplements. In the continuation of this article, we have stated the types of supplements that are used to meet the needs of women's bodies during pregnancy, which are as follows:

Calcium supplement: If you, as a pregnant woman, cannot get enough calcium from your daily diet, your obstetrician and gynecologist will prescribe you this supplement. Also, it is interesting to know that the consumption of this supplement will be very useful and effective in mothers who suffer from lactose intolerance.

Supplements containing various vitamins and minerals: Taking this supplement helps pregnant women to easily meet all their body's needs for various vitamins and minerals. As you know, during the nine months of pregnancy, women's bodies need a lot of vitamins.

Folic acid supplement: remember that taking folic acid during pregnancy is useful for the production of healthy red blood cells in the blood of the pregnant mother and the fetus inside her womb, and prevents birth defects in babies. Therefore, if a mother does not get enough foods containing folic acid during her pregnancy, she should talk to her doctor and take the supplements prescribed by him carefully.

Iron supplement: All nutrition experts recommend that taking an iron supplement that contains 27 mg of iron is necessary and necessary for all women during pregnancy, but do not forget that taking this supplement in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy is particularly important. .

Finally, remember that the intake of various nutrients during the nine months of pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, has a direct impact on the development of the fetus in your womb. Since two people feed from the same body during this period, the responsibility of providing vitamins and nutrients in order to maintain the health of the mother and to improve the growth process of her unborn baby is on the mother's body, which is a very heavy task. For this reason, in order to ensure the health of herself and the fetus inside her womb, a pregnant woman must receive all the nutrients she needs from her natural food so that she can be strong for the natural delivery process in addition to ensuring the health of her body and her child.

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