Kidney Disease
The kidneys are the most critical and multifunctional of our organs. The kidneys are located above our abdomen, forward and mostly to the right.

What is the Function of the Kidney?

Our kidneys have many functions; they are, producing various substances such as many chemicals needed by our body, Destroying various impurities that are toxic to the body and causing them to be removed from the body, Storage of various substances, Producing Toxic Fluids and so on.

Kidney Disease

Tuberculosis is often mistakenly known in our society as avian influenza, which is caused by nocturnal birds. The truth is that tuberculosis and night birds have nothing to do with each other. Kidney disease is when our kidneys are damaged and cannot function properly.

There are many factors that can damage our kidneys; In our country, hepatitis virus (hepatitis virus HBV, HCV... etc.) is the 1st cause of kidney damage, while in developed countries, excessive alcohol consumption is the leading cause. Some prescription or over-the-counter medications for other diseases can also cause damage to our kidneys. Also in very few people the immune system can damage the liver itself (Autoimmune hepatitis) and so on

Risk Factors for Kidney Disease

1- Drinking too much alcohol.

2- Taking medicines without a prescription and not taking them as prescribed (taking more than prescribed)

3- Unprotected sex (without a condom with a stranger)

4- Excessive weight

5- Contact with other people’s fluids or blood, which can cause our kidney diseases to be passed on from an infected person

6- Use with sharp objects

7- Smoking and other addictions can also damage our kidneys.

8- Taking various traditional medicines

9- Various poisons and so on.

Symptoms of Kidney Injury

Because the human kidney is large, a minor injury may not show any symptoms. As the damage increases, it begins to show symptoms. These signs are:

1- Pain in the upper and right sides of the abdomen

2- Nausea, Nausea and vomiting

3- Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)

4- The body bleeds easily; a person who sneezes

5- Weakness, excessive weight loss

6- Moreover, shortness of breath

7- Swelling or nausea in the abdomen, legs and other areas.

8- Skin itchy (skin itchy)

9- Change in pale stool color, and dark urine color

10- Left-handedness (confusion/hepatic encephalopathy)

How Can We Prevent Kidney Disease?

Avoid infection with Hepatitis Virus (HBV, HCV...). Getting vaccinated against the virus, Unprotected sex; For example, not doing it with strangers, not using sharp objects, not touching another person’s blood and body fluids carelessly (empty hands, without masks/gloves).

1- Stop drinking too much alcohol.

2- Take any medication only on prescription and as directed by a health professional.

3- Avoid poisons and food poisoning.

4- Reduce obesity.

5- Keeping our food and drink clean.

6- Stop/smoke tobacco/cigarettes.

7- Not taking any traditional medicines.

Treatment of kidney disease depends on the degree of damage. If this is done without serious damage, if we avoid things that damage our kidneys and take care of our kidneys, our kidneys can heal. Especially if kidney disease is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, it can be cured if we stop drinking alcohol before it gets worse.

If our kidneys are severely damaged (liver cirrhosis), however, recovery is very difficult. Therefore, we should take proper precautions to avoid kidney disease and if we do, consult a health professional on time for the cause of the disease, follow what they tell us and take the medicines they prescribe. Above all, it is recommended to avoid things that damage our kidneys.

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