Epistaxis (Fungus)


Fungus is a common problem and affects most people at least once in their lives. Fungus occurs when the roots/ Blood vessels around the inside of the lips are damaged. Our lips and lip blood vessels are often vulnerable to damage because of their location, which is close to the surface.

Causes of Fungus:

1- Prolonged inhalation of dry air

2- Infection of the lips or sinus cavity.

3- Touching by inserting our fingers into the lips, especially if we have a long beard, can easily damage blood vessels.

4- Nasal allergy

5- Take medications that affect/reduce blood pressure

6- Having kidney disease.

7-Chronic or severe cough and sneezing.

8- A blow/accident above our forehead.

9- If we have a natural blood clotting problem.

10- Cancer, but accounts for a very small percentage of the causes of nasal congestion.

Methods to prevent Funguna:

Avoid scratching the inside of the lips with your fingers, Avoid inserting hard or sharp objects into the inside of the lips. Use things that help keep the inside of your lips dry Eg, ointments like “Vaseline”, Avoid things if you know you are allergic to them. If we’ve ever fucked up before, getting enough rest for ourselves. Trim babies’ beards regularly (to prevent bleeding if they put them in their lips), Avoid smoking, Smoking can cause nasal congestion in various ways; for example:- Dryness of the inside of the lips and itching/coughing.

To Treat Our Own Fungus:

If we experience coughing in addition to the preventive methods listed above, we can try to stop the bleeding at Home/On our own:-Coughing often leaves us with the help we do at home. He is.

1- Sit still and hold your lips firmly between the soft part of your thumb (Abbudu) and index finger.

2- Exhale and inhale through the mouth (because the lips are closed, temporarily let air in and out of the mouth)

3- Slightly forward to prevent blood from flowing back into the esophagus or airways.

4- Sleeping or Not Moving; this reduces blood pressure to the lips, reducing bleeding. Do this for 5 – 20 minutes. At this point, the bleeding will stop. If we do this and the bleeding stops, we should not do things that cause it to bleed; for example, rubbing the inside of our lips. But if it does not stop for more than 20 minutes, we should go to the doctor.

5- If breakage is found or pour cold water on the face and lips.

6- Temporarily stop strenuous activity or function(take a break)

When Should We Go to the Hospital?

If you use the above method and it does not stop within 15-20 minutes, If the blood is bleeding fast or very bleeding, If we have difficulty in breathing in and out, (difficulty of breathing ) Which will bring us up/ erase, because of a large amount of blood bleeding into the swallow, The cause of bleeding, if a blow, head or face injury (e.g. if we have fallen, a traffic accident) Frequently repeated from which you if you are bleeding, If you have symptoms of anemia such as feeling tired, Dizziness, etc.,) If you are taking Anticoagulants, or if you have problems with anemia you have a character. If the above things are present, you should go to the doctor in time before various complications occur.

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