Water in a slimming diet - what does it matter and how much to drink?

Water is one of the few elements necessary for human life. Its great importance can be illustrated by the fact that the human body is made of about 60% of water, and a slight loss of it can cause serious health problems. Man is not adapted to collecting it, so it is important to replenish fluid reserves.

For the proper functioning of the adult human body, it is necessary to maintain the water level at a constant level. Water scarcity and its excess have a great impact on health. We often do not take into account the fact that symptoms such as headache, feeling weak and dizzy, nausea and muscle cramps are caused by improper water management in the body.

Water and its importance

The proper course of life processes is inextricably linked with the amount of water in the body. What are its basic functions?

It is a building material - it makes up the greater part of all cells and tissues

It is the environment for the processes taking place in the body, it is an excellent solvent

It enables the removal of harmful metabolic products

It is necessary for the proper course of the digestive process - it enables the formation of bites, the movement of food content in the digestive tract, the proper functioning of digestive enzymes

Nutrients are absorbed from the intestine as a solution or suspension

Takes part in the process of temperature regulation

The water contained in the synovial fluid and reduces friction and allows the proper mobility of the joints

Water provides protection. internal organs, brain and spinal cord.

Water and slimming

During the use of various diets, slimming or cleansing, the human body gets rid of a large amount of toxins, which is why an adequate supply of water is essential. It is true that water is an important part of the fight against excess pounds. It is very good practice to drink a glass of lemon water as soon as you wake up. This will allow you to replenish fluids after the night and will stimulate us to live, and the vitamin C contained in the fruit will have a good effect on cleansing the body.

The type of drinks consumed is not without significance. The best way to lose weight is water without any additives in the form of dyes and sugar. What many people don't realize is that colorful drinks are one of the biggest enemies of healthy eating. It's not a big deal to drink flavored water during the day, is it? It should be emphasized that drinking 1.5 liters of such water is an additional 250 kcal, i.e. about 12 teaspoons of sugar. A better solution is to prepare water yourself with the addition of e.g. citrus fruits or fresh mint.

Drinking water is also a good way to snack between meals. It reduces the feeling of hunger and allows you to survive until lunch or dinner without eating snacks that promote weight gain. eating bites that promote weight gain. Some people recommend that you drink half a glass of water before eating, it will make you feel full and reduce the portions of the food you eat, which will positive effect on diet.

How much water to drink?

The demand for water is influenced by many factors, including: gender, age, diet, ambient temperature and physical activity. The minimum amount of water that meets the body's needs is approx. 800 - 1000 ml per day, while the maximum amount is approx. 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body. People who engage in regular physical activity should increase the water supply by 400 - 800 ml for each hour of exercise.

Remember that inadequate water intake can lead to dehydration or over hydration of the body. These conditions are dangerous because dehydration of the body in extreme cases may lead to fainting or even death. Hyper hydration manifests as nausea, vomiting, body swelling and may lead to coma. Water standards, developed by the Food and Nutrition Institute, cover the consumption of clean water along with other beverages and water contained in food.

Water requirements by age and gender:

1- Children 4-9 years: 1600-1750 ml / d

2- Boys 10-18 years: 2,100 - 2,500 ml / day

3- Girls 10-18 years: 1900-2000 ml / day

4- Men 19-75 years: 2500 ml / day

5- Females 19-75 years: 2000 ml / day

Regardless of whether you are on a diet or not, it is worth paying attention to how much and what we drink during the day. That is why you should choose drinks that are as least processed as possible, free of additional chemicals and enhancers. It's good to get acquainted with the topic of water and its types, because proper consumption will allow us to properly remove toxins from the body, get rid of problems with the skin, headaches and swelling.

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