What is a breakfast that is easy to make even for busy families who work together on weekdays?

If you work with your spouse, you are particularly busy on weekdays and you don't have much time, so have you skipped breakfast?

If you devise it well, you can easily prepare breakfast. Introducing a breakfast recipe that will save you time even in the busy morning of working together.

Start the day with breakfast

Recently, I hear that the number of people who skip breakfast is increasing, but breakfast is very important for the body.
When food enters the body, the gastrointestinal tract begins to move, and the body and brain also begin to work. In addition, the energy you can get from breakfast is a source of daily activity, and it will rejuvenate your body and mind.
Especially for women who tend to suffer from constipation, it is a nice point to help excretion by moving the gastrointestinal tract.

Our body is said to recognize the morning in two stages. The first is the awakening of the brain. In the morning, opening the curtain and basking in the sun stimulates the hypothalamus of the brain and recognizes that the "morning" has come. The second is the digestive system. Eating breakfast stimulates the digestive organs such as the gastrointestinal tract and starts moving to recognize the beginning of the day.

3 healthy and easy recipes you can do every morning

Recommended smoothie for light people in the morning

A smoothie is a drink that you can put vegetables and fruits in a blender to get whole nutrition. Since it uses a mixer, you can make it quickly even during busy hours in the morning, and just drink it quickly.


1 - One banana
2 - Soy milk 100 ml
3 - A little honey
4 - A little ice

How to make

1 - Put a bite-sized piece of banana in a blender and pour soy milk, ice, and honey.
2 - Mix until you get the texture you like. (If the mixing time is short, the texture of the banana will remain rough, and if it is mixed for a long time, the texture will be smooth.)

Bananas can be torn by hand, so less washing is required, and the soft taste makes it soothing from the morning.

Energy supply is perfect! ?? Exquisite egg over rice


1 - Rice for one bowl
2 - One egg
3 - Slightly soy sauce

How to make

1 - Warm the rice in the microwave.
2 - Break the egg on the warm rice and mix well.
3 - Sprinkle the soy sauce in the desired amount and it's done.

If you store the rice in a freezer when it is cooked, you can heat it in the microwave and use it immediately even in a busy morning. Use eggs that are fresh within the expiration date. If you use only the yolk when you put the egg in 2, you will get a rich omelet rice.

Soup with plenty of vegetables, both physically and mentally


1 - Frozen mixed vegetable 30g
2 - 1 consommé
3 - Two wieners
4 - One piece of melting cheese

How to make

1 - Melt the consomme in a pan and bring to a boil.
2 - Add frozen mixed vegetables and sausages and boil.
3 - After transferring to a plate, tear the melted cheese and serve it in a container to complete.

With frozen foods, you can easily make a lot of soup. Cheese is nutritious and has the effect of warming the body. The menu is perfect for cold winters, so please give it a try.

If you ask a cooking agent, you can make it
I've introduced recipes that are easy to make, but weekday mornings are really busy for double-income families, aren't they? That's why it's easier to eat pre-made food than to make it.

If you ask for a cooking agent, you can also prepare for preparation. There is also a service where you can leave your keys while you are away to cook during the day, which is very convenient.


The morning is the beginning of the day, so be sure to have a good breakfast and replenish your energy.

But in a double-income family, making breakfast on a busy morning is difficult, isn't it? Therefore, we recommend a simple recipe that does not use kitchen knives or cutting boards. The recipe introduced this time is perfect for busy mornings because it requires less washing and can be made in a short time.

Also, if you don't have time to cook breakfast, it is convenient to ask the housekeeper to prepare the food. There is also a service where you can come to your house and cook your food while you are away, so your daily cooking will be much easier.

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