The best time to express love, affection and interest to your spouse

If you want your marital relationship to remain warm and sweet as the years go by, you should not neglect to express your love and affection to your spouse. The first step to finding the best time to express your love and affection to your spouse is to learn their love language.

The best time to express love to your wife

Expressing love and affection to one's spouse is one of the essential points to increase intimacy between couples and the prosperity of marriage. What is important in a long-term relationship is not planning the timing for expressing interest, but the expression of interest itself, which should be expressed in different ways and its continuity.

Expressing love and affection varies from couple to couple. Some people may have a strong need for verbal affection and tend to express it often. There seem to be two types of couples: those who say the phrase frequently and those who rarely say the words.

While there is no set frequency for how often you say these words in your relationship, it is helpful for you and your partner to be of the same type. For example, if one or both of you find it important to express love verbally, it's important to know that.

How to express love to your wife

Know gender differences

Expressing love and affection verbally is a very difficult task for men, but on the contrary, women are easier to express love. But the need to hear expressions of affection is much more in women than in men. It doesn't make much difference for a man to hear the phrase "I love you" once or 10 times a day, but for women, each time has a different and more pleasant taste.

Be creative to express interest

Try to find alternative sentences for "I love you" to express your interest, express your love to each other with different and creative sentences according to your spouse's situation and mood. For example, you brought happiness to my life, life without you is very boring, how desirable you are, etc.

 Know each other's love language

Before you want to think about the time to express interest in your wife, you should know her love language, men and women and even women and men have completely different and unique personalities towards each other, and their love languages ​​are also different, that is, the type Their expressions of affection are different, and in order to make him happy, you have to see what kind of expression of interest he is happiest with.

In order to maintain a romantic marriage, you must know the 5 love languages ​​and express your love to your spouse in the way he or she likes.

Affirmative sentences: Whenever your wife does something that makes you happy, express it to her. For example, say I love you, you are wonderful, being you has given a new color to my life, I wish I would have found you sooner.

Once your affirmative sentences have a greater effect on the intimacy between you, don't limit your praise to words and accompany it with physical affection, for example, kiss, hug or caress or even shake his hand according to the situation.

Expressing practical interest: For some people, behavior is more important than words. A person whose love language is practical, instead of expressing interest in language, expresses his interest with his behavior, for example, he volunteers to do something pleasant for his wife, such as giving her a massage or cooking a fancy and beautiful meal or taking her out for a romantic date. So if your partner is more of a practical interest, invite him on a romantic date whenever it makes you happy.

Receiving a gift: One of the most effective ways to express your love for your wife and keep her heart warm is to give a gift. Don't wait for a special occasion to give a gift, you don't even need to wait for a lot of money to accumulate, you can make him happy with a bouquet of flowers, a scarf, or a fancy gift or even a beautiful sweet. Just be careful, dkhealthline, the gift you buy should be a personal item, not an item that is supposed to be used at home.

The quality of spending time together: For many spouses, the quality of spending time is the best expression of interest that can make them happy. When you want to love such a person, if you leave your phone flying and devote your time only to him, you have given him the best possible feeling.

Physical touch: For such a person, there is no better affectionate word than holding his hand and taking him for a two-person outing. Hugging him will give him the best feeling in the world.

Be fun

Always try to set aside special time for fun for two. These activities can be trips for two, picnics, traveling for two, exciting experiences for two, hiking for two, cooking for two, bathing for two, or anything that makes you spend a few hours away from everyday worries together. spend

Activities for two are the best time to express love and affection to your spouse. Compliment her, the clothes she wears, her beauty and the happiness she has given you. Try to express maximum emotional and physical intimacy in these activities. For example, hold hands while walking. Kiss or hug each other from time to time away from the eyes of others. The excitement and stress of momentary and secret affections can be the best pleasure of being together.

Pay attention to the changes in your spouse

Women are very interested in being liked by their husbands. The best time to express your love and affection to your partner is when he has changed his appearance, for example, he has dyed his hair, bought new clothes, or changed his hairstyle. Unfortunately, many men do not pay attention to the changes in the appearance of their wives, and this small task makes their passion for life decrease noticeably.

Complimenting a woman's appearance is the key to winning her heart. A woman's soul needs to hear compliments from her loved one. If you want to have a happy and smiling wife who is happy with your good and bad and doesn't grumble, use every opportunity to praise her good looks and appearance.

Appreciate the practical affections of your husband

Men want to be the hero of your life, the best time to express your love and affection to your husband is when his work makes you happy, it doesn't have to be a very important job, for example, a man who dedicates his day to his family, the best way to express your love to him is to thank him From him for the good time he gave you.

Even buying an ice cream while traveling, if it makes you feel better, try to express it and thank him to satisfy his sense of provision.

A man who is praised for his work for the family feels like a hero, such a man has received the best feeling in the world from you.

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