Jealousy in children and ways to eliminate it

Jealousy is completely learned and if it is seen in a person, it is definitely rooted in the type of upbringing of his parents. As parents constantly compare their child with others, they actually make him understand that all good things should be for you, and this becomes established in the person over time.

Wishing for the loss of blessings from the one who has earned them means loving the blessings and advancements of others and making them come to oneself.

Jealousy is an emotional reaction that can be seen in all people since childhood. As a 3-year-old child refuses to give his things to others and wants to have everything for himself, a feeling of jealousy has been created.

This reaction is completely normal in children, but if it is seen in adults, it may cause many problems. In childhood, this reaction is unconscious, but in adulthood it becomes fully conscious.

Jealousy is completely learned and if it is seen in a person, it is definitely rooted in the type of upbringing of his parents. As parents constantly compare their child with others, they actually make him understand that all good things should be for you, and this becomes established in the person over time.

Jealousy means wishing the loss of blessings from the one who got them, it means loving the blessings and advancements of others and getting them to oneself. A person who is jealous feels dissatisfied with the existence of any happiness, success and progress in different areas of other people's lives, including career, education, marriage, having children, etc.

How to deal with jealous children?

Children's jealousy is very common and if you don't deal with your child's jealousy with appropriate behaviors, it may soon become one of your child's unnecessary habits. Often, a child's jealousy is formed from jealousy of friends and classmates, jealousy of siblings and other people who are in contact with your child.

When jealousy develops in a child, it can show itself seriously even on the smallest issues! Treating jealousy in children is very serious and important and you should treat it before the child has this feeling forever.

For this reason, in this article, we are going to talk to you about children's jealousy and jealousy treatment solutions so that you can use these solutions to cure your child's jealousy in the shortest possible time. Be encouraged.

What are the reasons for children's jealousy?

Sometimes parents cause jealousy in children with inappropriate reactions. In most cases, the flare-up of children's jealousy is caused by the inappropriate behavior of parents.

You spoil your child!

The most important mistake of parents is to spoil the child, when you bring up your little angel pampered, you provide everything for him and you don't tell him that he is thinner than a flower, he considers himself unique and unrivaled in the world and everything He wants it for himself because you have made him consider everything as his own with the behavior you have shown him.

At this time, it is enough to have another child in the family or a party, or add another child to your family, at such a time, your child will feel that all the attention is not on him and he will feel some kind of lack. .

When your little angel doesn't feel safe, he gets jealous, in fact, he feels that he is not worth as much as before, and this can be a sign of the beginning of depression. So if you want your child not to be jealous, don't spoil him.

How to deal with jealous children?

Too much attention is not appropriate in any way and one of the mistakes of parents is that they pay too much attention to the child and take care of him. Your little angel is growing up and will soon enter the community! Is he cared for in the society as much as you? Is he cared for in the society as much as you?

Excessive care and attention is not only useless, but it can cause your child to suffer social damage. You are supposed to raise your child to be able to live in society and cope with everything, so your too much attention will make him a recluse when he meets the cruel outside world. become

When you are in a family group and there is another child in that group who is reckless and sharp, it makes your child feel jealous, because the characteristics of your child compared to that child are different from earth to heaven. Therefore, try to avoid paying too much attention to the child to prevent the child's jealousy from flaring up.

Too much control

When we set strict rules for the child, we somehow control him, too much control is another reason for children's jealousy. In some families, parents make strict rules that make the child constantly under unreasonable restrictions.

This child will be jealous. Unreasonable and rigid restrictions make the child not have good self-confidence, and when he is with his friends and peers, he feels this weakness and finally causes a feeling of jealousy in the child.

Comparing the child with others

Another reason for children's jealousy is comparing them with another person. It is interesting to know: comparing is one of the most important and main reasons for children's jealousy, and it will not have any good results for parents.

If you want to tell your child about the good qualities of another child, it is better to talk about the good qualities of your own child first and to mention the good behavior of the other child in your words, instead of comparing your child with another person. This not only causes jealousy, but also lowers your child's self-confidence.

Insisting on things the child does not want!

Some parents force their child to do things that are not allowed in any way in order to compete with another child.

It is better to know: every child has his own unique talents and abilities that are different from other children. Considering your child's talents and capabilities, you should encourage him to do things that can prove himself and never compare him with anyone and do not unintentionally make him jealous.

How to treat jealousy in children?

There are suitable solutions for treating jealousy, and we will discuss some practical and effective solutions below.

Give the child positive energy!

When our child is upset because his classmate got a higher math score, we can encourage him that with more effort he can be more successful in the next exam. When our child receives positive energy, he will think less about jealousy and negative waves and focus on more effort and healthy competition.

Talk to your child and listen to his words!

One of the best ways to treat your child's jealousy is to listen to him so that you can understand the reason for his jealousy and offer a solution. Maybe your child has low self-confidence and shows his weakness with jealousy. Try to understand the cause of the child's jealousy so that you can treat it.

Having a good role model

In order to reduce children's jealousy and treat it, try to be a good role model for your child, feel good about others and speak well of others in front of the child so that your child will follow your example and feel good about others. to his peers.

To cure children's jealousy, encourage your child!

Try to encourage your child because of his abilities and talents so that he can accept himself and feel valuable.

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