Clear Mind, Flexible Body and Free Spirit

We get a new age every year since we were born. And at the same time, a brand new concept, whose awareness is increasing gradually, is included in our agenda: “well-aging”. When buying a new age; Keeping our quality of life high in physical, mental and spiritual dimensions is the most important factor that opens the door to a good life for all of us. At this point, the yoga practice that whispers the wisdom of the east into our ears comes into our lives. The word meaning in Sanskrit language; We see that this thousand-year-old doctrine, which corresponds to the expressions of bringing together and forming the whole, is also very popular in the western world today.

Beyond being a visual frenzy reflected on the screen as inverted postures in today's world, yoga is a very valuable tool that offers us countless benefits in terms of aging well. Dr. Jigar Gors "Yoga isn't able to touch your tos. It's what you've learned along the way up to that point. ” 

Under the leadership of the age of digitalization and speed, being able to ground our tired minds a little and synchronize the breath with the body has become one of the greatest luxuries we can experience today. So, are you ready to open a more meaningful place in your life to the yoga experience that promises to offer you this luxury in life? This famous Indian doctrine that strengthens the muscles while maintaining the flexibility of the spine has many different applications in the world; vinyasa yoga, hatha yoga, known for sequences of sun salutation, ashtanga yoga, kundalini yoga or a more restorative form of yin yoga, to name just a few.

According to research conducted by Harvard Medical School in recent years; Yoga supports our body in the way of aging well by offering a better posture and a flexible spine, a high-minded eating habit, quality sleep and eliminating cardiovascular disorders. In addition, according to Stanford University health psychologist and yoga instructor Kelly McGonigal, we see that people who practice yoga increase their ability to cope with stress and uncertainty, and they are individuals who can spiritually listen to the senses in the body, stay in the moment and enjoy life more.

Here are a few suggestions to include the benefits of this practice, which plays an important role in our well-being, by helping us to protect the integrity of the mind, body and spirit;

- For those who are new to their yoga journey, the YOGA101 program offered by Cihangir Yoga can be a good start. You can participate in this work, which started on September 23, in the comfort of your home via zoom.

- Our recommendation for those who have practiced yoga for a long time; Yoga Uni website or Alo Moves application that offers different levels of practice under one roof. Get ready to experience different practices every day with world-famous yoga instructors.

- In order to maximize the benefit of the practice, we recommend planning a light meal 2 hours before the lesson, this will help the body adapt to the flow.

- Try to respect your limits by keeping your attention on your own body rather than dealing with how the other participants do the movement during the practice. Remember, every body is unique and it always knows the best for you.

- Try to feel that breath is your most valuable guide by bringing your attention to your breath during practice.

- Instead of sitting at the top of your to-do list right after the lesson, give yourself a five-minute day of adaptation.

Yogaguru BKS Iyengar's: "The rhythm the body, the melody of the mind & the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life." Hope to remember your word both on and off the mat.

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