Running: 6-week beginner program

Running is an excellent solution for losing weight. To improve your cardiorespiratory and vascular condition, to feel better and have more energy. But it is important to start this business in the right way and to improve slowly. It is useless for you to immediately attempt a 30-minute daily run if you are overweight or if you haven't practiced sports for a long time.

The risk of getting hurt is very high if you don't run properly. So read our guidelines and follow the running training program so as not to endanger your health and get the maximum benefit!

Who is the ride not recommended for?

1) You are very overweight: during the diet it is preferable to follow our walking program to regain shape. Once you have reached your desired weight and regained form thanks to walking and diet, you can start this running program.

2) You have heart problems: it is good to consult a specialist before starting any sports program.

3) You suffer from back pain: swimming or walking is preferable.

4) If you have joint problems: better sports such as water aerobics, pilates or yoga

Tips for limiting trauma

1) Stick to the running schedule.

2) Wear proper shoes

3) If your foot sweats a lot, use gel insoles

4) Avoid running on surfaces that are too rigid such as asphalt or concrete but prefer soft surfaces such as lawns or an athletics track.

5) Stretch before and after training.

For those who start running

Do you feel the need to resume an activity to improve your physical condition or because you know it can be an aid to your weight loss or to relieve stress? In this case, running can be an excellent solution for you.

Because? The reasons are many: it is cheap, you can practice it almost anywhere, alone or in company.

What goal should you set yourself? Running 30 minutes without stopping, having a breathing tranquility, that is, being able to speak while running. It is a goal within everyone's reach.

How long to reach the goal? It is difficult to know at the start because it depends on your physical condition, on the number of sessions per week (1 or 2) and on your sporting past, if you have one!

The key advice to succeed

Progression is the key to success in running. At first you have to set reasonable goals and keep them, even if sometimes you feel you could do more. It is important not to overdo it because the body (heart, tendons and muscles ...) needs time to get used to (or get used to) this type of effort.

You have to stay humble with yourself because wanting to push your limits too quickly can put you at risk of setbacks but also of trauma.

The running program of Melarossa

Alternating between running and walking is the most effective way to progress. Gradually the total running time increases in relation to the walking time.

You have to listen to your body and understand your rhythm: it is important not to be out of breath while running and not to finish the run exhausted. Buy a wrist heart rate monitor to monitor your heart rate. Find out how to calculate your maximum HR!

In the table below we offer an example of progression that you can modify or adapt according to your weight, your sporting past and how you feel after a few times you have performed this program.

If you experience difficulty during a workout, stop or repeat it.

Never increase the duration of the run - it is much better to add another workout of the same duration during the week.

When you have reached 30 minutes and feel well-being throughout your body, don't give up, keep running with our running program for experts!

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