Cure diseases from sea salt baths

Cure diseases from sea salt baths

Of course, salt is not a panacea for all ailments, but the list of diseases it helps to cure is really impressive. These include hypertension, chronic venous insufficiency, circulatory disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc.

Sea salt has been used by Indians, Romans and ancient Greeks since time immemorial. They believed that sea salt could significantly improve their health and at the same time, they enjoyed bathing.

There is a legend about the pink salt of the Himalayas, the discovery of which is the merit of Alexander the Great.

Why sea salt?

Sea salt improves blood circulation in the body, replenishes the body with oxygen, stimulates metabolism and improves the work of the nervous system.

It actively fights diseases of various types and complexity caused by calcium deficiency in the body.

There are several ways to use sea salt to boost immunity.

Sea salt contains minerals such as phosphorus, zinc, manganese, magnesium, iodine and potassium, which stimulate the activity of the immune system. Second, its alkaline action prevents the multiplication of bacteria and viruses, thus protecting you from various infectious diseases.

With the help of sea salt you can treat the cardiovascular system. It regulates heart rate. This is probably because it contains sodium, chloride and potassium, and their combination helps to strengthen nerve impulses.

Psoriasis is a condition characterized by itching, rash. A study by the University of Ben-Gurion, Negev, Israel, confirmed the effectiveness of balneotherapy using Dead Sea salt for the treatment of psoriasis, including psoriatic arthritis. The results significantly improved a number of symptoms.

Sea salt can treat the symptoms of depression because it helps regulate two hormones in the body - serotonin and melatonin. Their proper work helps to improve the mood and helps you to create a restful sleep.

Electrolytes are one of the important balances for the proper functioning of the body. The sodium, chloride, potassium, and soda contained in sea salt help to move individual cells and transmit nerve impulses. Nerve impulses are what help the brain and muscles to communicate properly with each other.

Sodium provides water balance in the body. Naturally, its deficiency may lead to dehydration. Daily use of salt ensures sodium balance in the body.

Rhinosinusitis (commonly known as sinusitis) is a condition in which acute inflammatory processes take place in the nasal passages. A study conducted in Chicago (USA) showed that nasal lavage using sea salt was more effective than treatment with other types of chemicals.

Sea salt promotes hair growth and strengthens the follicle. Its active use helps to improve blood circulation, which results in healthy hair.

Sea salt is one of the best remedies for excessive sweating. It naturally heals the skin, protects it from redness and rashes.

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