How to train well at home at no cost with a chair, table, wall, stairs ...

Is the number of people affected by the coronavirus increasing and are you afraid to join the gym? You don't need to go to the gym and use sports equipment.

A workout can also be effective if done at home, with a natural load or with the help of objects that you commonly have available at home. Melarossa gives you tips to train well at home without investing in fitness equipment.

Basic material for training well at home

Warning: whoever wants to invest in a mat despite everything, must know that not all mats are the same. In fact, for muscle strengthening, you need to choose a fairly thick mat, such as the Pilates one. Instead for yoga or stretching, it is better to choose a slimmer model.

Be careful, training on the floor at home can create back problems and using a towel is not enough. If you have decided to train at home this winter, the advice is to invest in a gym mat.

What the mat is for: abs and glutes, push-ups and plank.

Bottles of water

They are very useful for toning the arms and saying goodbye to bat wings. The bottles are very effective for toning biceps and triceps but also for working the abs such as crunches.

What they are for: to tone your abs and do squats and you can also use them to stretch. In addition, they are an effective tool for improving posture and bringing the shoulders back.

Sitting with the bottles in both hands, rest your buttocks on the outer edge of the chair and your shoulder blades on the backrest. Try to keep your back perfectly in line, without ever flexing your spine and without letting your belly pop out.

Inhaling, bring your outstretched arms up and exhaling make side openings with your arms slightly flexed.

Do not flex the spine but open the chest and collarbones wide.

Repetitions: 3 sets of 30 seconds

Cool down: 10 seconds.


It is the ideal tool for toning shoulders, back, obliques, improving posture and having a slim waist.

Tone shoulders and back to improve posture: military press

Standing, legs spread hip-width apart and slightly bent, back straight. Take a stick and bring it behind your shoulders at the level of your collarbones, elbows bent.

Push the stick forward by tilting your torso and extending your arms, active abs and back straight.

Keep your legs semi-flexed during the movement to protect your back. Return to the starting position.

Reps: 3 sets of 15.

Discover the toning circuit to slim the waist.

Tone up with the chair

It is a stable and rigid tool that will help you improve your balance and stay in line with your back. In addition, the chair is an excellent tool for the cardiovascular system and for toning the whole body:

1) triceps

2) biceps

3) buttocks

4) thighs

5) inner thighs

6) adductors

7) abdominals.

GAG training (legs, abs and buttocks) with the chair

GAG is a muscle toning that focuses on the lower body. Thus, the work involves the abdominal belt (belly and waist), the buttocks (small, medium and large buttocks) but also the legs (quadriceps, adductors).

There is no need to go to the gym and use sports equipment, a workout can be effective even if done at home, with a natural load or with the help of objects that you commonly have at home: the chair is one of these.

Discover the GAG circuit with the chair.

Moro: chair exercise

Standing against the wall, lean your back and bring your feet 20 cm from the wall. Slowly slide with your back until your legs are bent 90 degrees. Maintain the position.

Tip: If your quadriceps burn, focus on your breath, always belly in.

Dust catching cloths to tone the buttocks

3 exercises for the buttocks that you can do at home using an unusual fitness machine: dust catchers.

Climbing stairs or stair climbing has so many advantages that exercise programs have been created around this practice: the good news is that it gives you the opportunity to play sports anywhere, whenever you want and can.

Towel to correct posture and stretch

Half an hour a day with a towel is enough to stretch the spine and relax all the back muscles thanks to the pilates technique.

The more you feel the benefits and develop a consciousness, the more you will feel the need to perform these simple exercises.

Workout at home: discover all the exercises to stretch yourself with a towel.


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