Rudrasren rules and benefits | One-way and five-way Rudra Darshan

Sadguru talks about the importance of using rudraksha and pure rudraksha.

What is Rudraksha?

Rudraksha is the seed of the ‘Elyocarpus ganitras’ tree and it plays an important role in the life of the spiritual devotee. Sadguru is discussing different types of Rudraksha and their benefits, including one-way and five-way.

Sadguru: Rudraksha is the seed of a special type of tree which usually grows at a certain height in the mountains - mainly in the Himalayan region. Unfortunately most of these trees have been used to make railway slippers, so there are very few of them left in India. Currently they are mostly found in Nepal, Burma, Thailand and Indonesia. These are found in some parts of the Western Ghats of South India but the highest quality rudraksha comes from a certain height in the Himalayas; Because somehow the soil, the weather and everything affects it. These seeds have a very unique vibration.

Which rudraksha should you wear? One-way and five-way rudraksha and much more

A seed can have one to twenty-one faces. These are used for various purposes, so it would be inappropriate to just buy something from the store and carry it in the body. Holding the wrong type of rudraksha can lead to chaos in one's life. Many people like to wear one-sided rudraksha, which has only one face; Because it is very powerful. You have many looks of your own. When you have many faces of your own, if you wear one-faced rudraksha, you are bringing your own danger.

It is said that if you wear one-sided rudraksha, you will leave your family within twelve days. It's not a matter of whether or not you're leaving the family, it's just that it will build your energy in a way that makes you want to be alone. It does not allow you to be comfortable with others. If you have to wear a different kind of rudraksha, it would be best to take it from someone who knows these things, not just buy it from the store and throw it away.

Five-faced seed or five-faced rudraksha is safe and good for men, women and children. It is for overall well-being, health and freedom. It lowers your blood pressure, calms your nerves and brings a special calmness and alertness to your nervous system. Children under the age of fourteen can wear six-faced rudraksha. This will help them to be calmer and more attentive. Above all, they will get the right kind of attention from adults.

'Gauri-Shankar' is a special type of rudraksha that brings balance between your aura and pingala. People generally believe that it will bring them prosperity. Prosperity does not mean only money. It can come in many forms. You may not have anything of your own but you can still be rich in your life. If you are a balanced person and you work sensibly in your life, prosperity can come. This is when your energies work properly. ‘Gauri-Shankar’ balances your aura and pingala and makes them active.

If you want to purify your life, Rudraksha is a good tool and support, a small resort in this path. When one is on the spiritual path, he wants to use every little resort for his own improvement and it is certainly a good resort. A guru usually transmits energy to Rudraksha in different ways for different types of people. For the householders, it is somehow energized. If you want to be a celibate or a monk, it is energized in a completely different way. Household people should not wear anything that transmits energy in such a special way.

What are the benefits of wearing rudraksha?

For someone who always has to go out and eat and sleep in different places, Rudraksha is a very good resort for them. Because it makes a cocoon or shell of your own energy. You may have noticed that when you move to a new place, sometimes you fall asleep very easily, and in some other places you can't sleep even if you are physically tired. This is because if the situation around you is not conducive to your energy, it will not allow you to be stable. Since saints and monks travel incessantly, any place and situation can cause inconvenience to them. One of their rules was that they could not put their heads in the same place twice. Nowadays again people have started eating and sleeping in different places due to their business or profession, so a rudraksha can be helpful.

Another issue is that saints or monks who live in the forest cannot drink water from any reservoir because water in nature can often be poisoned or contaminated by certain gases. If they drink it, it can cripple or kill them. If rudraksha is caught on the water, if the water is good and drinkable, it will turn clockwise. If it is toxic, it will rotate counterclockwise. It is also a method of checking the quality of food. If you hold it on a positive animal object, it will rotate clockwise. If you hold it on a negative animal object, it will rotate counterclockwise.

What are the guidelines for using rudraksha garland?

The seeds are usually tied together like a garland. Traditionally, they believe that the number of seeds will be 108 plus 1. The extra seed is the point. There must always be a point with the rosary, otherwise the energy becomes cyclical and sensitive people can become restless. An adult should not wear a garland of seeds less than 74 + a dot. Any number above that is OK.

When you weave them, it is best to weave them with silk or cotton yarn. If you wear it with yarn, it is better to take care to change the yarn every six months. Otherwise one day the yarn will be torn and your 108 seeds may be scattered around. If you want to use copper, silver or gold it is also good, but what happens most of the time, you take it to the jeweler to make it. When jewelers tie a knot with a gold wire or something else, they usually tie it very tightly and the inside of the rudraksha bursts. I've seen people say these things to the jeweler, but when they make it and bring it back to me, it's broken about 30-40% of the time. It is very important that you make sure that it is loose. It should not be too tight, because if the inside is broken under pressure, it is not good.

The garland can always be worn. You can even wear it while bathing. If you bathe in cold water and do not use any chemical soap, it is especially good for your body if water is poured over it. But if you use chemical soap and hot water, it becomes brittle and bursts after a while, so it is best not to use it in such cases.

How to find the real rudraksha garland?

Traditionally, rudraksha garlands were bought and sold by people who considered it a sacred duty in their lives. In the lineage, that's all they did. They also made a living from it, but basically giving it to people was like a sacred duty. But once the demand increases a lot, the business gets bogged down. In India nowadays, there is another seed called Badraksh which is a poisonous seed, which grows widely in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and those regions. After looking, the two seeds look the same. You can't understand the difference. Only if you take it in your hands and if you are sensitive, you will understand the difference. It should not be worn on the body, but these are being sold as authentic seeds in many places. So it is important that you collect your garland from a trusted place.

Rudraksha: A shield against negative energy

It is like a shield against negative energy. It is possible for some people to use negative energy to harm someone else. This in itself is a complete science. A Veda, the Atharva Veda, is all about how power can be used for one's own benefit and to the detriment of others. If someone with expertise in the subject wants to use it, there are many things - extreme pain and even death.

Rudraksha is a kind of shield against all this. You may think that no one will do anything negative to you, but it is not necessary that it be aimed at you. Suppose someone did it with the person sitting next to you, but he is not receptive to it. Now that you are sitting right next to her, it can have an effect on you. It’s just like when two people shoot each other in the street, they don’t want to shoot you, but you can get shot. These things can happen in the same way. It was not intended for you, but it can happen if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. There is no need to be afraid of these things, but Mala is a kind of protection from all this.


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