Varicose vein disease and exercise

Varicose veins, or varicose veins of the veins, most often damage the veins of the legs, and the greatest load falls on the legs during exercise. Is it permissible to combine exercise and varicose veins then? Specialists believe that exercise in the early stages of the disease is not only possible but also necessary. When there is no indication for surgical treatment, it is very important to prevent venous congestion.

Physical activity and exercise have a positive effect on the human body, regardless of whether it has health problems or not. Improving venous circulation is possible primarily through physical exercise. However, if there are problems, we need to choose the exercise carefully and follow certain rules.

Those who have problems with varicose veins need:

Assess the condition - When choosing a type of exercise it is necessary to assess the degree of varicose veins and existing complications. This can be determined by a qualified doctor-phlebologist, so the first step in starting exercise is a visit to the doctor. Fitness Club This is not a place for diagnosing the disease, there is a maximum of external examination, which can not really change the doctor's consultation and examination.

Choose suitable loads - often start training on their own in the hope of a superficial assessment, which may not be true and may lead to poor results. Overload during varicose veins is unacceptable, and during exercise people easily lose their sense of moderation and choose too long and intense exercises to get fast results.

Wear compression knitwear - special socks and elastic bandages protect the veins from overload and injuries, make the exercise safe and comfortable. The choice of knitwear is best agreed with your doctor, as the degree of compression is determined and prescribed according to the results of the diagnosis. Bandages should be removed 20-30 minutes after the end of the workout.

Varicose veins can be involved in sports such as:

1. Walking, cycling (horizontal position or legs up), elliptical exercise, aerobics without jumps, light jogging. While fast jogging and sharp accelerations are not useful.

2. Static loads - yoga, Pilates, etc. Exceptions are exercises where the static state is associated with strong muscle tension

3. Swimming and aqua aerobics

Dangerous during varicose veins:

1. Force loads on the legs - sitting, sitting forward, lifting weights and barbells in a standing position. They increase the load on the veins. Perform all leg exercises in a vertical (legs up) or lying down position. If you want to strengthen your arms, then it is better to perform these exercises while lying down. Stepper is not recommended.

2. Shock and stress loads - step aerobics, jumping, tennis. There is a high risk of venous injuries during such exercises.

What should we wear during exercise?

Women with vascular problems in the legs should not wear trousers (in the shape of a cyclist's tights) during exercise. Such is the case that the elastic tissue that attaches tightly to the thighs attaches to the upper blood vessels and promotes blood retention in the shin muscles. When exercising it is therefore best to wear free style made of natural fabric sports pants. However, here too, avoid pants that have rubber at the ends and prevent blood from flowing upwards.

Shoes definitely need to have good cushioning to reduce the force of the blows. In addition, it should not be tight enough to prevent venous blood from flowing upwards. You can also exercise barefoot. In such a case, the blood vessels will receive a double load, which will negatively affect the veins.

Exercise intensity

The intensity of the load should be increased at the expense of increasing the repetitions and not through weight gain. Such an exercise regimen will not increase muscle volume and will focus on increasing tone. The motto of the exercise should be "light and frequent". In case of varicose veins can not be adjusted to the general sports program, exercises should be specially selected. A strict and careful approach is needed to protect ourselves from incorrect movements that complicate the disease.

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