5 secrets of health and beauty completely naturally

Someone said that the secret of health lies in 3 things: peace and healthy mind, proper nutrition, exercise and enough movement. If these three are together, you will stay healthy and also live longer. According to recent studies, when older women smile, they look younger and more cheerful to everyone, even younger women, so don't forget to smile. In the following, we will describe 5 easy methods for body health and then we will introduce several beauty masks. According to the research of https://dkhealthline.blogspot.com/, having healthy nails indicates the health and well-being of the body, and we will provide some solutions in this regard.

The secret of health and beauty in 5 ways

1- Keeping the skin fresh

2- Erasing wrinkles around the lips

3- Smile

4- drinking tea

5- Drinking with a straw

1- Health secret: Keep your skin fresh

To freshen up the yellow and puffy face that comes with aging, mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a drop or two of hydrogen peroxide, then leave it on your face for a few minutes, and then wash Be careful not to put the material in your mouth.

2- The secret of health: erase the lines and wrinkles around the mouth

Make your lips look younger and minimize lines and wrinkles around the mouth. Do this using wax. The hard and heavy state of the wax makes it very soft when it is placed on the lips and prevents the loss of the natural color of the lips.

3- The secret of health: laugh, smile

According to recent studies, when older women smile, they look younger and more cheerful to everyone, even younger women, so don't forget to smile.

4- Health secret: drink tea

Green and black tea contain amounts of polyphenols and antioxidant plant compounds that prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases in the teeth and also prevent the occurrence of gum diseases.

5- Health secret: Drink drinks with a straw

Most drinks, soft drinks and acidic drinks such as citric and phosphoric will cause tooth enamel to be eroded and destroyed. Drink acidic drinks using a straw, even if the words diet or sugar-free are printed on them. By doing this, the drink will go to the bottom of the mouth and will be less in contact with the teeth, and as a result, the tooth enamel will be less damaged.

Health secret: mask for dry and wrinkled skin

Grate the fresh apple well to make a puree. Add 1 spoon of olive oil to it and mix well, then apply it to the skin of the face and neck. After 20 minutes, wipe the face with milk and wash with lukewarm water. To get rid of wrinkles under the eyes, lubricate the area around the eyes with castor oil every night. Compress and massage the eyes with rich tea every night to have thick and well-shaped eyelashes. You can also use tea to remove eye makeup.

Health secret: mask to remove wrinkles and skin imperfections

Take the juice of a ripe tomato and apply it on your face with a clean piece of cotton. After 15 mints, wash with luke-warm water. After a few repetitions, the wrinkles are almost gone.

Health secret: mask for oily skin

Mix 1 tablespoon of potato flour with 1 teaspoon of 10% hydrogen peroxide and put it on your face. Wait 20 minutes, then wash the face with lukewarm water and apply a strengthening cream.

How to have beautiful and healthy nails?

Healthy nails show the general health of the body and also give you more self-confidence. Here, we will help you maintain the health and beauty of your nails by following simple tips.

1- Be sure to wear gloves when washing dishes, washing clothes, and any work that involves detergents, because these substances with their chemical compounds cause the loss of the protective layer on the nails, as a result of which the nails crack. They are eaten and become weak.

2- After working with materials that color your nails or make them dirty, be sure to wash under the nails with soap and a special brush so that they always look clean and beautiful.

3- Smooth the sides and top of your nails with a paper file. Note that when filing nails, always move the file in one direction.

4- If your nails are dry and brittle and crack easily, massage them every day with moisturizing creams that are slightly greasy.

5- Never use your nails to open the lid of strong containers, pull punches and staples and do things that hurt them.

6- In order to strengthen the nails, use calcium-containing materials such as dairy products and vegetables containing sulfur and silicon, such as cabbages. Using fish and fresh fruit juice, especially carrot juice, has a great effect on strengthening nails.

7- Never use nail polish for a long time, because this layer prevents the nail tissue from breathing, making them look yellow and sickly.

8- Use foods such as eggs, liver and spinach that contain iron. 9-Drink 8 glasses of water daily, using enough fluids will keep nails healthy.

10- Avoid chewing the nails and picking the flesh and skin around them with a separate tooth, because it creates a very unpleasant sight in the appearance of your nails.

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