What Is A Healthy Lifestyle And How To Live Happy And Healthy

How can we have a happy and healthy life full of success by learn healthy lifestyle?

In this article about the success and motivation of https://dkhealthline.blogspot.com/ site, we are going to provide a definition for a healthy lifestyle and determine exactly what kind of lifestyle is called a healthy life! Then we will be by your side to know the different aspects of a healthy life and achieve it with careful planning.


What is a healthy lifestyle?

Physical health

1- Have proper nutrition:

2- Adequate sleep and rest:

3. Sports and physical activity:

4. Avoid addiction to anything:

5. Having controlled sex with your spouse:

6- Put aside loneliness:

7- Increase your face-to-face communication:

8- Set aside time to communicate with God:

9- Consider a relaxing exercise for yourself:

10- Take vitamin B12:

11- Have a goal in your life:

12- Be generous:

13- Using a plant called lavender:

14- Learning a second language:

15- Having a plan:

What is a healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle has different dimensions and includes psychological, social, spiritual, etc. dimensions. The World Health Organization considers health to be the enjoyment of complete physical, mental and social comfort, and not just the absence of disease and disability, as a healthy lifestyle...

Also, being healthy is more than eating an occasional salad or going for a short walk every few weeks, and you need to follow different things in order to live a healthy and good lifestyle.

In order to have a healthy and good lifestyle, first of all, you need to set up a program suitable for your lifestyle

As we said, a healthy life is beyond unplanned and occasional exercise and includes wider dimensions of people's lives.

A healthy life is not the same as saying that this life is healthy and that one is unhealthy! Rather, people's lifestyles can be considered a spectrum, one side of which is a completely healthy life and the other side is an unhealthy life! Each person, according to his lifestyle, is placed in a part of this spectrum, it is possible that a person lives a completely healthy life and has a great idea but another person has a completely unhealthy lifestyle. Also, another person may be right in the middle of this spectrum and...

In order to have a healthy and cheerful life, it is necessary to observe some things in terms of mental and physical health. In other words, it is not possible to spend energy and time only on the physical aspect, exercise and eat healthy foods and say that I have a healthy life. No! In addition to observing physical health, special attention should also be paid to mental health in order to get closer to having a healthy lifestyle...

Physical health

In the continuation of the discussion, we want to define physical health and tell you the ways to achieve ideal physical health...

Physical health means the good and ideal state of the body that comes from sports activities, proper nutrition, enough sleep. etc.

Here we introduce 5 ways to increase physical health that you can include in your plan and finally follow them to get closer to having a healthy lifestyle...

1- Have proper nutrition:

Having a healthy diet does not mean that you only use vegetables or vegetable oils and draw a line around meats!

Having proper nutrition means using all types of food that God has provided to mankind in moderation. That means you cannot be only a vegetarian or only a meat eater! Both of these are harmful to health.

You can design a proper weekly meal plan that includes both proper meat consumption and vegetarian food consumption...

But the opinion of most experts is that the consumption of plants and vegetables must be more than the consumption of meat.

It is better to design your meal plan considering the food pyramid.

This food pyramid is familiar to all of us and there is no need for many explanations about it, but it should be said that the food plan of each person should be such that the consumption of grains and legumes includes the largest part of it, that is, something around 35%!

The second type of food that should have the largest share after beans and grains is fruits and vegetables.

Similarly, in the next cases, there are types of meat and dairy products, and below them are types of oils and snacks. The consumption of the last two items should be very little. completely remove them from your diet.

It goes without saying that if you are very fond of meat and your consumption is more than usual, it is better to use low-fat meats such as boiled chicken breast.

2. Adequate sleep and rest:

Maybe you are one of the people who are accused of sleeping too much or too little by your family and friends. Maybe you are really facing the problem of insomnia. But how many hours is enough sleep? We have always been told that you should sleep 8 hours a night, but this is an average and may not be the best amount of sleep for everyone.

Some people need more sleep and others adapt to less sleep. Our need for sleep may change throughout life and at different ages. Therefore, the repeated sentence "sleep 8 hours every night" is nothing more than a cliché. To regulate sleep, you should consider your personal needs and find a correct pattern for yourself.

When we say the correct pattern, it means that you arrange your daily routine in such a way that you sleep for example 6 hours every night. It is very dangerous for the body system…

As we said, the average need for sleep changes during the years of each person's life, especially during childhood and adolescence!! The average need for sleep in different age groups is as follows:

⦁ Newborn (3 to 11 months) 14 to 15 hours

⦁ Toddler (12 to 35 months) 12 to 14 hours

⦁ Preschool age (3 to 6 years) 11 to 13 hours

⦁ School age (6 to 10 years) 10 to 11 hours

⦁ Adolescence (11 to 18 years) 9.5 hours

⦁ average age of 8 hours

⦁ The elderly probably need less sleep...

3. Sports and physical activity:

Everyone knows that there is a big difference between a person who exercises at least 30 minutes a day and a person who is not interested in sports activities at all...

Of course, when it comes to exercising, some people may think of heavy dumbbells and exhausting running and skipping ropes, while sometimes for most people, brisk walking and stretching are considered the best and most appropriate exercise. comes

In the continuation of our discussion, we would like to name some types of simple exercises that you can do on a daily basis and enjoy increasing the vitality and health of your body.

⦁ When you wake up in the morning, start your day with some stretching movements.

⦁ During your day and night, set aside 30 minutes for slow running. Slow running will both reduce weight and promote vitality and health...

⦁ You can use a bicycle instead of using public vehicles or a private car to move between everyday destinations or walk to very close or common destinations.

⦁ If your workplace or residential house is several floors away from the ground floor, never use the elevator and go up and down the stairs.

⦁ You can do stretching exercises for 5 minutes between every 1 hour of working or reading or sitting for the health of the spine.

Leaving these aside, we can state several benefits of regular and daily exercise:

⦁ Exercise controls body weight

⦁ Exercise fights diseases

⦁ Exercise makes you feel good

⦁ Daily exercise multiplies your energy

⦁ Daily exercise leads to good sleep

⦁ Exercise improves your sexual relations

⦁ Exercise is fun

Exercise and physical activity is the best way to get health and have fun. In general, make an average of 30 minutes of exercise per day your regular and regular goal.

Of course, if you want to lose weight or think about getting more fit and body building, it is obvious that you should devote more time to your physical activity.

If you haven't exercised for a long time, be sure to consult your doctor about possible chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, or arthritis before starting any sports activity.

4- Avoid addiction to anything:

What do you remember when you hear the word addiction?

The answer for 80% of you is cigarettes, alcohol and all kinds of drugs!

According to global statistics from various organizations, one out of every three people is addicted to something. One to computer games, one to cigarettes, one to music, one to books, etc.

And contrary to the public opinion, it is not only the addiction to drugs or alcohol that is harmful! Rather, everything that we use excessively causes damage to our body and soul...

In this world, everything is created for human consumption and use, but on the condition that it is not overused. If each of us does not overuse computer games, cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, etc., we will definitely not have any special problems. Of course, this issue is also obvious that a person who smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day and is satisfied with his behavior will face big problems, and as we said, there is a big difference between a person who smokes 2 and 3 cigarettes a week and a person who is satisfied with 2 packs a day. (Of course, our recommendation is not to consume cigarettes, alcohol, etc. at all, but it is better for someone who is affected to reduce the consumption of such things to the minimum.)

5- Having controlled sex with your spouse:

Regular but controlled sex has excellent health benefits. Releases stress, boosts your immune system, burns 85 calories or more (per 30 minutes), improves cardiovascular health, reduces pain, increases vitality, reduces the risk of prostate cancer And it makes you sleep better.

But be careful that sex is addictive and like the rest of the things we mentioned before, it should be managed and not excessive.

mental health:

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, having a healthy life is not only limited to the physical and physical dimensions of the body, but having a healthy and cheerful soul is also an inseparable part of a healthy life.

What is mental health?

Mental and spiritual health does not mean physical peace and lack of noise, but has a more general meaning.

Mental health has a significant impact on the way you think, feel, and behave on a daily basis, and also has a significant impact on your ability to face stress, overcome life challenges, build relationships, and recover from hardships. to increase or improve it, to get to know the characteristics of a person who has satisfactory mental health.

⦁ sense of satisfaction and satisfaction

⦁ Ability to laugh and have excitement and fun in life

Ability to cope with stress

⦁ Having purpose in activities, relationships and life

Flexibility in learning new skills and ability to change

⦁ Balance between work and play, rest and activity

⦁ Ability to build and improve relationships

⦁ Self-confidence and self-esteem

⦁ and…

Well, now that we know a mentally healthy person, it is better to check several great solutions to increase mental health in the rest of the article...

6- Put aside loneliness:

It has been widely observed that lonely people or people who think they are alone suffer more emotional and psychological blows than other people and also have less endurance in dealing with various social or economic problems. Such people are so called depressed and if they are alone and isolated If they do not end the economic, social, emotional problems, etc., it will put more and more pressure on them and will have no result other than the destruction of their soul and spirit.

You don't have to be lonely. Be sure that if you try and search, you will find people around you who love you and warm to you.

Believe me, even if you have a friend or a friend, and best of all, a partner for your life, all your problems will be solved by themselves, and at least if they are not solved, you will feel much less burden.

7- Increase your face-to-face communication:

According to psychological research, in addition to increasing your self-confidence and improving social relationships, face-to-face communication also greatly reduces stress and anxiety...

8- Create attractive habits for yourself:

Does listening to loud music make you feel good? Do you like the smell of coffee? Or maybe pressing soft balls can make you feel more beautiful. Everyone has different reactions to issues and can enjoy different things, so try to find your pleasure in these things and increase your peace.

9- Set aside time to communicate with God:

In addition to the teachings of religion, almost all psychologists believe that communication with God or the creator increases self-confidence and calmness in life matters, and decreases depression, etc.

Set aside a time of the day or week for praying or thanking God or for pain and suffering with God. You can be sure that you will see its wonderful effect in your life.

10- Consider a relaxing exercise for yourself:

This exercise can be yoga and meditation, or it can be praying or listening to music without words. Everyone is calmed down by something... in short, use whatever you are comfortable with and calms you down to increase concentration, attention and calmness.

You should do this regularly every day or two or three times a week to see its good effects in the short term.

It is interesting to know that relaxing with meditation or simply avoiding distractions is another habit of successful people who have a healthy lifestyle.

11- Take vitamin B12:

You definitely know how useful vitamins are for the body, but did you know about the benefits of vitamin B12? Research has shown that B12 deficiency can lead to depression, fatigue, pessimism and dozens of other harmful problems. You can transfer B12 to your body through pills or foods such as eggs, chicken meat and dairy products such as milk.

12- Have a goal in your life:

" The feeling of success is one of the factors that refreshes your mind. With these simple goals, you can easily feel successful and gain more self-confidence. Also, don't forget to give yourself a reward after achieving each of the defined goals.

⦁ Having a goal in life makes you not stressed and also not feeling empty...

⦁ It is better to divide your goals into three parts:

⦁ Long-term/mid-term/short-term goals

13- Be generous:

You have definitely experienced this feeling when you bought a gift for someone else and you are also happy because of his happiness. It is interesting to know that research conducted in this regard shows that people get energy from making each other happy and end their day better. You don't need to be a millionaire for this, a few thousand tomans is enough to make someone you love happy. Or you don't need to spend at all, you can make your friends happy with a phone call to an old friend or something similar.

14- Using a plant called lavender:

Scientific research has shown that lavender can improve sleep quality and fight insomnia. For this reason, it is recommended to apply some acetodus oil on your pillow, or if you are very obsessive, drink the tea of ​​this plant before going to bed.

In addition to the above, lavender is known as the most relaxing plant.

The article has ended, but in order to do your full justice, dear readers, and to solve your needs and doubts about a healthy life to a greater extent, pay attention to the following 8 golden and general tips to have a healthy and fun life:

15- Learning a second language:

1. Learning, in addition to increasing your knowledge and getting to know the cultures and lives of other people, helps to make the mind more active and delay the onset of Alzheimer's in old age.

2. More sleep: Having enough sleep makes a person feel refreshed during the day. At the same time, people who do not have enough sleep are prone to physical problems. In order to have full health and maximum efficiency, it is necessary to pay enough attention to the time of sleep.

3. Being a positive thinker: We all have experienced unfortunate events in our lives, and what is important in the meantime is how we deal with such issues. Having positive thoughts helps to maintain positive style and behaviors in life. For example, reading encouraging sentences, listening to your favorite music or walking in nature are among these positive behaviors.

4. Having a plan:

Have a plan for all your hours and days. With optimal use of opportunities, enjoying a healthy lifestyle in the long term will not be far from reach. We also said at the beginning of the article that by planning, you can do more activities, including daily exercise, without interfering with your other important plans. have

5. Controlling the current state of the body and soul: one of the best things to have a healthy lifestyle is to properly control the current state of the body and mind and prevent injuries and preventable diseases.

6. Drink a lot of water:

Staying hydrated improves energy levels and mood. However, not getting enough water has the opposite result and even causes inflammation in the body, so drink as much of this elixir of life as you can.

7. Traveling: Traveling is another one of the best options for having a healthy life, which increases creativity and relieves stress. See its double effects.

8. Studying: stress has no positive effect on health and there are many ways to reduce stress. One of these solutions is to read sequential stories because it reduces the amount of stress by about 68%. In addition to this increase in information and the delay in the onset of Alzheimer's are other amazing benefits of reading.

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