Lower Back Pain


Back pain is a common and common problem. Although this pain affects people of any age, it is more common in older people (the risk of developing this problem increases with age). The pain can be short term (acute back pain) or chronic back pain.

Although lower back pain is common in people, occasionally upper back pain can occur in a very small number of people. This pain occurs when the posterior parts of the body are injured. Most of all, the most common cause of back pain is related to muscle problems in this area. This happens when we lift heavy weights, lift them in an uncomfortable position or work for a long time.

What causes back pain?

1. Lifting heavy weights or lifting weights uncomfortably.

2. being overweight.

3. Pregnancy

4. Not exercising. (Poor physical fitness)

5. Older age the pain increases with age.

6. Smoking tobacco.

7. Diseases like arthritis, cancer and so on.

8. Problems like severe depression and anger are thought to be somewhat vulnerable.

Treatment and Prevention of Back Pain

The pain can usually go away with rest and simple self-help at home. Sometimes treatment may also be required in the hospital. Let’s try the following points for ourselves:

1. Exercise. Exercise gives us strength and makes our bodies easier to bend and stretch.

2. Eat a balanced diet (especially foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, which are very important for our bone health), and eat fruits and vegetables.

3. Stop smoking.

4. Lose weight if we are overweight (Keep a balanced weight)

5. When Lifting Weights; use another mode if possible or raise it slowly. if we lift We should not lift heavy weights, we should prepare comfortably when lifting.

6. Adjust our posture and posture (standing, sitting and lying down for long periods of time are not only good for back pain but also for our health in general making). When sitting and standing, you should also prepare a comfortable posture.

7. Use ‘flat’ and non-stop shoes (without high combs)

8. Minimize negative Stress and Anxiety.

9. Suck the back as much as possible.

When Should We Go to the Hospital?

1. If we don’t get enough rest.

2. If the body temperature increases.

3. If there is back pain.

3. If the pain is persistent.

4. Unable to control urine or bowel movements.

5. If you have difficulty passing urine.

6. If after being hit or falling.

7. If the legs are numb and unable to move, and the pain reaches to the legs.

8. If there is significant unexplained weight loss, etc., seek medical attention immediately.


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