What is the relationship between sexuality and health?


Sexuality is a central aspect of life. Health is a state in which you feel good, in the head, in the body. Sexual health means that you feel good about your sexuality. At all levels & any age. This can only be achieved if the sexual rights of all people are respected.

Sexual health is a concept of the World Health Organization(WHO). It is based on human rights that affect sexuality: Sexual rights.

What does the concept of sexual health include?

The right to health, as enshrined in international treaties, also extends to sexual and reproductive health. The definition of health of the World Health Organization (WHO) forms the basis:

The WHO defines sexuality as:

A central aspect of the human being throughout the life span; sexuality includes sex, gender identity and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction.

Sexual health presupposes a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having fulfilling and safe sexual experiences, free from coercion, discrimination and violence.

Sexual health affects intimate aspects, but it also involves society and coexistence. Therefore, sexual health is part of the tasks of the state and is integrated into public health policies.

Based on the WHO concept, the Federal Commission for Sexual Health drew up a definition of sexual health for Switzerland in 2015. 

This definition includes the following five fields of action:

1- Promotion, maintenance and restoration of sexual health as a component of mental health (access for all persons, sexual rights)

2- Promotion, maintenance and restoration of reproductive health (contraception, pregnancy)

3- Prevention, screening and treatment of HIV, other sexually transmitted infections and infections of the genital tract (sexually transmitted infections)

4- Prevention and fight against sexual violence (sexual violence)

5- Sex education (sexual health education) (sex education)

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