Why do men delay marriage?

In today's world, men are less in a hurry to get married and do not show special interest in a long-term marital relationship. When we ask a man the reason for not getting married and delaying it, he usually gives various reasons for it. There are cases that One of the main reasons is not getting married and delaying getting married.

In total, there are 4 major factors that have a significant impact on the behavior of men today to make them not commit to a long-term commitment:

1- Men face less social pressure to get married. Because, unlike in the past, it has become much easier to have a sexual relationship with a man. Women are no longer able to effectively attract men's attention by making promises of sexual relations as an incentive to commit them. Therefore, a strong motivation to get married in men is practically eliminated. (Of course, for men who consider sex to be a vital factor in their lives)

2- Men are afraid of the possible consequences of the relationship not being successful. The emotional pain of separation can be devastating and exhausting for men. But they are more concerned about the risk of financial losses that they may suffer during separation and divorce.

3- It is in the nature of men to delay anything that causes major and serious changes in their lives. "Marriage is the beginning of a man's problems" whether men today believe in this saying or not, one thing is certain: men have a desire to leave their comfort zone and enter a life full of responsibility, compromise and They do not have self-sacrifice.

4- Men get married when they are sure that they have chosen the best possible option. Men are always thinking that: "A better girl should not be found in their life, but they should be committed to a relationship." Therefore, he refuses to make a commitment with the current girl or woman in his life, so that when he meets a better person, he does not have a commitment to his previous one.

But how can you make men adhere to a long-term and committed relationship? Below are 9 ways to achieve this goal and win a man's heart:

1- Consciously and reasonably make sure that you love the man you have chosen and want to spend the rest of your life with him. Therefore, until you have fully agreed that you are suitable for each other, the idea of ​​commitment and marriage should not enter your mind. Your knowledge of him should be to the extent that you are able to determine these things: that he is able to commit - he has many characteristics and traits that you always looked for in a man of your choice - his character obliges you to respect And he praises him - he has already come out proud in the test of your loyalty, honesty, truthfulness and respect for others. And you should make sure that he really loves you.

2- Always be the person you are. This is perhaps the most important trait that men look for in women. 99% of men have stated in various polls that: women whose personality changes after marriage are in the first row of the list of reasons for separation after their marriage. Persisting in a behavior in which women constantly compromise with their men in order to give importance to them and refuse to express their opinions and opinions or laugh at his funny jokes will never be fruitful. So be your true self and always be careful, maybe your man is testing you.

3- Show him that you are independent. Men hate women who sit back and wait for their man to take over everything in their life. Show him that although you welcome his ideas, you also have the ability to do things without him. For example: you want to go to the cinema to watch a particular movie, but your man is unable to accompany you because of his busy schedule. Instead of getting upset and angry, tell him with a smile that you will go to the cinema alone and do the same thing. If you are planning to buy a house, don't postpone it until after your marriage. Because this action will make your man think that you are not an independent person. In short, show him that your life will continue with him and without him.

4- Show him that you are a kind and loving person. It may seem surprising: a man needs a girl who loves him and is also lovable. As much as individual independence empowers women, their inability to adapt discourages men to the same extent. Men consider such women as insensitive, heartless and incapable of love. Therefore, just as women need individual independence. To show themselves to men, they should show men that they have a burning desire to share their love with the man of their life.

5- Show him that you are interested in him: interested in his true self and not in what he can provide for you. Many men, in response to the question of what is important to them before marriage, have answered that: making sure that the girl they love really loves them for who they are and not as a means to achieve Target. No man likes to feel that his favorite girl has chosen him because: he is a good breadwinner, a model citizen or a potential good father. All these issues are also important for men, but a man is very happy when he realizes that a girl chose him because he was the girl's best friend. A girl who always stays with her husband regardless of her man's status. But how can you achieve this? Show interest in his life, also in his interests and the values ​​he considers in life. Talk about his job, but pay more attention to its spiritual aspects and personal growth, and not to its income and financial benefits. Talk about his good character and moral qualities.

6- Don't play a role for him in order to make him follow you. Men are fully aware of the games that women play to get men's attention. Men may even be seduced and do anything to win your games, but they will never commit to you. Talking to other men to make your partner more jealous and attracted to you may work for a short time. But how can he trust you? When you think conspirator? Even if he is infatuated with you, a man will be afraid to commit when he has the slightest doubts about your trust and honesty.

7- Show him that you do not intend to change him. When a man feels that committing to a girl and marrying her will cause major and fundamental changes in his lifestyle, he will stubbornly resist committing himself even if he is in love with that girl. Show him that you are able to compromise with him. Show him that you don't mind if he spends a night with his friends watching football without you. Don't make him feel that he has to make the most of his time now because his life will change after marriage.

8- Pay attention to your appearance. This does not mean that you walk or dress like a model. But to some extent achieve your appearance. Wear clothes that show off your best features and make you graceful. Move and act with confidence. Brush your teeth, do your nails and use perfume and cologne in moderation.

9- Don't pretend that you are in a hurry to get married. You might imagine that he has already spent a lot of time deciding on you. But keep calm! This may be promising news. He may want to make sure that he has made a reasonable and correct decision. Do not show yourself hasty and impatient. Continue with your daily life with peace of mind. Never offer a man to visit your parents or vice versa. Unless he himself wants it. It is better to let them make this decision themselves. Keep in mind that your goal is to provide the information needed to make a decision, while also providing him with the necessary space and opportunity.

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