Disadvantages of late marriage

As you know, people get married at different ages according to their choice. Therefore, in general, we cannot specify a specific age as the right age for marriage. But delaying marriage also brings complications and problems. For example, older people get along less well or sexual ability decreases with age, any of these cases can cause major problems in life.

However, many young people now believe that marrying at an older age is better and brings more advantages to them. But which one is true? Is late marriage a mistake or can we ignore the problems caused by delaying marriage and staying single and experience a successful life together?

Consequences of late or uninformed marriage

Although it is acceptable to delay the formation of a joint life to some extent in order to achieve financial and emotional stability, but delaying marriage too much is dangerous. Because the stress of not getting married may come to you and you think that you are left behind from all your peers. For this reason, in such a situation, the possibility of wrong and uninformed choice increases. which leads to very bad consequences, including the following:

Consequences of marrying at an old and late age

1. Adapting to another person is a difficult task

Lack of compromise with another person is probably one of the most common problems caused by marriage delay. Because you, who have been an independent and single person until now, rely only on yourself. You have always taken steps towards your desires.

In fact, you may value your personal freedom more than raising a family. Therefore, adjusting life and future to follow other person's interests and needs is a difficult task. This issue will cause many problems in the common life. Because a successful marriage requires sacrifice and forgiveness more than anything else.

2. Financial matters are prioritized

Although finances are always important, one of the complications of getting married late is that finances become too important. It is natural that the older we get, the more we think about savings and income to use during retirement. By delaying marriage, such a view can have negative effects on married life.

Consequences of marrying at an old and late age

3. Not having enough time to be together

Sometimes, one of the reasons for delaying marriage is achieving job stability. But note that this issue can also have consequences. Because as you get older and focus on your career, you won't have enough time to spend with your spouse. You spend most of your time working and you will only have low quality time for your wife.

4. Rushing to have a baby

Another complication of late marriage is that you have to rush to have children. When you get married late, others advise you to have children as soon as possible. Of course, this issue is also important from a medical point of view, because the probability of genetic diseases is higher in babies who are born to older parents.

In this way, you will face many responsibilities very soon. On the other hand, you have less opportunity to spend time together as a newlywed. In addition, in late marriages, the age difference between you and your children will be large. Therefore, you need more effort to understand your children.

5. Decreased sexual power

It is natural that with age, the sexual power of men and women decreases and they no longer have that youthful enthusiasm. One of the consequences of not getting married is lack of motivation and decreased sexual desire. Lack of balance in a marital relationship can lead to more problems.

6. You feel strange about yourself

Decreased self-confidence and confusion are examples of complications of not being married. People who get married later, with the passage of time, when they compare themselves with friends and people around them, they experience a strange feeling. Because in our culture, getting married means being natural. Anyone who acts against this will look strange. This issue can be the basis of personal problems caused by delayed marriage. Depression due to not getting married is one of the most common problems that affects many young people. Consequences of getting married at an old and late age.

How is having children in late marriages?

When you get married late, others advise you to have children as soon as possible. In this way, you will face many responsibilities very soon. On the other hand, you have less opportunity to spend time together as a newlywed.

What effect does financial stability have on late marriages?

In late marriages, you almost reached financial stability and you even have the opportunity to invest in buying a house, car, etc. So this security will be a positive point in your marriage.

What are the consequences of late marriage or not marrying?

Not having enough time to be together, adapting to another person is a difficult task, reducing sexual power, etc. is one of the consequences of delaying marriage.

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